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Les souvenirs de l'amiti; ou, Vie et opuscules de P.-L. Arondineau (French Edition) by Arondineau, Pierre Louis ISBN: 9781116466072 List Price: $32.99
Les souvenirs de l'amiti; ou, Vie et opuscules de P.-L. Arondineau (French Edition) by Arondineau, Pierre Louis ISBN: 9781116466065 List Price: $29.99
Recueil des traits de commerce et de navigation de la France avec les puissances trangres, d... by Hauterive, Pierre Louis, de... ISBN: 9781116490220 List Price: $41.75
Recueil des traits de commerce et de navigation de la France avec les puissances trangres, d... by Hauterive, Pierre Louis, de... ISBN: 9781116490213 List Price: $32.99
Nouveaux Melanges De Philosophie Et De Litterature, Ou Analyse Raisonnee (1785) (French Edit... by Gin, Pierre Louis Claude ISBN: 9781166383978 List Price: $43.16
Traite Des Vertus Des Plantes (1771) (French Edition) by Jussieu, Antoine de, Foigny... ISBN: 9781166381998 List Price: $42.36
La Femme Et le Pantin (Le Livre de Poche) (French Edition) by Pierre Louys ISBN: 9782253160700 List Price: $14.95
Nonlinear MHD Waves and Turbulence: Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Nice, France, 1-4 De... by Passot, Thierry, Sulem, Pie... ISBN: 9783642085987 List Price: $69.95
Economic Psychology by Reynaud, Pierre-Louis ISBN: 9780030592225
Lectures on Integrable Systems: Proceedings of the Cimpa School in Memory of Jean-Louis Verdier by Babelon, O., Cartier, Pierr... ISBN: 9789810217570 List Price: $68.00
Dissertation Sur Jeanne D'Arc, Vulgairement Nommee La Pucelle D'Orleans (1776) (French Edition) by Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis de ISBN: 9781166024352 List Price: $16.76
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241425340 List Price: $40.75
A Summary of Universal History.Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241425500 List Price: $45.75
Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports & cities of Malta & Goza als... by Pierre Marie Louis Boisgeli... ISBN: 9781241350055 List Price: $46.75
OEuvres. Translated by P. E. L. Dumont. by Pierre Étienne Louis. Dumon... ISBN: 9781241360894 List Price: $45.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French. by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241430320 List Price: $44.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241431365 List Price: $46.75
Military Life in Algeria. by Louis Charles Pierre Castel... ISBN: 9781241425418 List Price: $45.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241424121 List Price: $45.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241440046 List Price: $45.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French. by Louis Pierre. Anquetil ISBN: 9781241441951 List Price: $45.75
Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza. by Pierre Marie Louis d Boisge... ISBN: 9781241528966 List Price: $36.75
Critique De La Charlatanerie, Premier Discourse (1726) (French Edition) by Coquelet, Louis, Camusat, D... ISBN: 9781165909926 List Price: $19.96
Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza... by Pierre Marie Louis Boisgeli... ISBN: 9781241357191 List Price: $36.75
A Summary of Universal History. Translated from the French by Louis Pierre Anquetil ISBN: 9781241431112 List Price: $45.75
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