Showing 51 - 75 of 1,250 Results
Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney by Sidney, Philip, Feuillerat,... ISBN: 9781171851561 List Price: $35.75
Life of Sir Philip Sidney, etc , First Published 1652 with an Introd by Nowell Smith by Greville, Fulke, Smith, Now... ISBN: 9781176792517 List Price: $30.75
On the Authorship of the Sonnets Attributed to Shakespeare an Inquiry into the Respective Cl... by Theobald, W. 1829-1908 ISBN: 9781176902732 List Price: $15.75
Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney by Davis, Sarah Matilda Henry ISBN: 9781177326803 List Price: $29.75
Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney by Davis, S. M Henry ISBN: 9781177493086 List Price: $29.75
Life of Sir Philip Sidney by Wallace, Malcolm William ISBN: 9781177535106 List Price: $36.75
Life of Sir Philip Sidney by Lloyd, Julius ISBN: 9781164064275 List Price: $22.36
Life of Sir Philip Sidney by Lloyd, Julius ISBN: 9781164302643 List Price: $34.36
Miscellaneous Works of Sir Philip Sidney : With A Life of the Author and Illustrative Notes ... by Sidney, Philip, Gray, William ISBN: 9781164393979 List Price: $39.16
Life of Sir Philip Sidney by Wallace, Malcolm William ISBN: 9781164418023 List Price: $41.56
Sir Philip Sidney : Type of English Chivalry in the Elizabethan Age (1891) by Bourne, H. R. Fox ISBN: 9781164421283 List Price: $41.56
Symmetry and Sense : The Poetry of Sir Philip Sidney by Montgomery, Robert L., Jr. ISBN: 9780292741461 List Price: $19.95
English Essays from Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay : With Introductions, Notes and Illustrations by Eliot, Charles William ISBN: 9781173328740 List Price: $35.75
Penshurst Castle in the Days of Sir Philip Sidney by Marshall, Emma ISBN: 9783847222507 List Price: $24.99
Two Gentlemen of Veron : With the Story of the Shepherdess Felismena... by Shakespeare, William, Jorge... ISBN: 9781276983860 List Price: $24.75
Works of the Honourable Sir Philip Sidney, Kt , in Prose and Verse by Sidney, Sir Philip ISBN: 9781277027440 List Price: $37.75
Works in Verse and Prose Complete of the Right Honourable Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke by Fulke Greville (Baron Brook... ISBN: 9781277108941 List Price: $33.75
Sir Fulke Greville's Life of Sir Philip Sidney : Etc. , First Published 1652, Volume 3... by Fulke Greville (Baron Brooke) ISBN: 9781277132816 List Price: $31.75
Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney by Sarah Matilda Henry Davis ISBN: 9781277317985 List Price: $30.75
Works of the Honourable Sir Philip Sidney, Kt , in Prose and Verse by Sidney, Sir Philip ISBN: 9781277475265 List Price: $27.75
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