Showing 76 - 100 of 112 Results
The News' History of Passaic. From the Earliest Settlement to the Present day. Embracing a D... by Pape, William J. B. 1873 Ed... ISBN: 9781340287856 List Price: $26.95
The News' History of Passaic. From the Earliest Settlement to the Present day. Embracing a D... by Pape, William J. B. 1873 Ed... ISBN: 9781340287863 List Price: $26.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut : 1 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781377934792 List Price: $22.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut; Volume 3 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781377934808 List Price: $23.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut Volume 3 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781341372575 List Price: $32.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut Volume 2 by William Jamieson Pape ISBN: 9781130880991 List Price: $34.14
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut V1 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781167028267 List Price: $36.76
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut by Pape, William Jamies, Pape,... ISBN: 9781149414736 List Price: $46.75
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut V1 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781162216300 List Price: $60.95
At the Sign of the Reine Pedauque : [1922] by Jackson, Wilfrid, Pape, Fra... ISBN: 9781112413254 List Price: $23.99
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut by Jamieson, William, Pape, W... ISBN: 9781113155597 List Price: $31.99
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut by Jamieson, William, Pape, W... ISBN: 9781113155603 List Price: $33.99
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut, Vol. 2 : Illustrated (Classic Re... by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9780260697141 List Price: $38.73
News' History of Passaic : From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Day; Embracing a Desc... by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9780260176189 List Price: $30.87
History of Waterbury, and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9780656202928 List Price: $38.93
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut; Volume 1 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781019183915 List Price: $35.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut; Volume 1 by Pape, William Jamieson ISBN: 9781019188842 List Price: $25.95
News' History of Passaic. from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Day. Embracing a Descr... by Pape, William J. B. 1873 Ed... ISBN: 9781017472158 List Price: $29.95
News' History of Passaic. from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Day. Embracing a Descr... by Pape, William J. B. 1873 Ed... ISBN: 9781017482164 List Price: $19.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut by Jamieson, Pape William ISBN: 9781016319577 List Price: $35.95
History of Waterbury and the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut by Jamieson, Pape William ISBN: 9781016324052 List Price: $25.95
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