Showing 201 - 225 of 286 Results
Fasti; Tristia; Pontic Epistles; Ibis; and, Halieuticon of Ovid by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362186045 List Price: $20.95
Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis and Halieuticon of Ovid. Literally Translated into Eng... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188186 List Price: $30.95
Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis and Halieuticon of Ovid. Literally Translated into Eng... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188179 List Price: $21.95
Fastorum Libri Sex. Editore et Interprete R. Merkelio by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188384 List Price: $31.95
Fastorum Libri Sex. Editore et Interprete R. Merkelio by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188360 List Price: $22.95
Fastorum Libri VI. Ovid's Fasti by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A. D. ISBN: 9781362188452 List Price: $26.95
Fastorum Libri VI. Ovid's Fasti by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A. D. ISBN: 9781362188421 List Price: $16.95
Fastorum Libri VI : Ovid's Fasti; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188513 List Price: $27.95
Fastorum Libri VI by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362188506 List Price: $17.95
Fasti; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362187448 List Price: $15.95
Fasti; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362187486 List Price: $25.95
Fasti of Ovid by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362187608 List Price: $18.95
Fasti of Ovid by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362187622 List Price: $28.95
Fasti, Book I; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362186809 List Price: $10.95
Fasti, Book I; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362186823 List Price: $21.95
Fasti of Ovid by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362186991 List Price: $25.95
Fasti of Ovid by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781362186977 List Price: $15.95
Fastorvm Libri Sex by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 A. D. or... ISBN: 9781362186113 List Price: $31.95
P. Ovidi Nasonis Elegiaca by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354390283 List Price: $21.95
The Three First Bookes of Ovid de Tristibus by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354363607 List Price: $21.95
The Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354363652 List Price: $23.95
Ovid, Fasti, Books III. and IV by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354434604 List Price: $23.95
Ovid: Tristia: Book III by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781354436585 List Price: $22.95
The Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses. With Introd. and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781341700590 List Price: $23.95
The Fourteenth Book of the Metamorphoses, With Introd. and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781342170095 List Price: $23.95
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