Showing 51 - 75 of 912 Results
Global War Game: Second Series, 1984-1988 : Naval War College Newport Papers 20 by Gile, Robert, Press, Naval War ISBN: 9781478398264 List Price: $21.99
Burden of Trafalgar: Decisive Battle and Naval Strategic Expectations on the Eve of the Firs... by Breemer, Jan, Press, Naval War ISBN: 9781478393085 List Price: $14.99
Mission in the East: the Building of an Army in a Democracy in the New German States : Naval... by Victorson, , US Army, US A... ISBN: 9781478393030 List Price: $6.15
Physics and Metaphysics of Deterrence: the British Approach : Naval War College Newport Pape... by Greenberg, Myron, Press, Na... ISBN: 9781478392941 List Price: $9.99
Doctrine Reader: the Navies of United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Spain : Nava... by Tritten, James, Donolo, Ita... ISBN: 9781478392873 List Price: $17.99
U. S. Naval Strategy in the 1980s: Selected Documents : Naval War College Newport Papers 33 by Press, Naval War, Hattendor... ISBN: 9781478391883 List Price: $27.99
Major Naval Operations : Naval War College Newport Papers 32 by Vego, Milan, Press, Naval War ISBN: 9781478391807 List Price: $17.99
Reposturing the Force: U. S. Overseas Presence in the Twenty-First Century : Naval War Colle... by Press, Naval War, Lord, Carnes ISBN: 9781478391395 List Price: $21.99
Shaping the Security Environment : Naval War College Newport Papers 29 by Press, Naval War, Reveron, ... ISBN: 9781478391593 List Price: $16.99
Sailing New Seas : Naval War College Newport Papers 13 by Reason, U.S. Navy, Admiral... ISBN: 9781479138494 List Price: $10.99
What Color Helmet? Reforming Security Council Peacekeeping Mandates : Naval War College Newp... by Nordquist, Myron, Press, Na... ISBN: 9781479138449 List Price: $8.50
Defeating The U-Boat: Inventing Antisubmarine Warfare (Naval War College Press Newport Paper... by Jan S. Breemer, Naval War C... ISBN: 9781780396651 List Price: $13.95
Formulation of Orders; Doctrine; Dissemination of Information by Naval War College ISBN: 9781166557959 List Price: $12.76
International Law Documents 1917 : Neutrality, Breaking of Diplomatic Relations, War, with N... by Naval War College, Naval Wa... ISBN: 9781164681632 List Price: $23.16
International Law Topics and Discussions 1905 by Naval War College, Naval Wa... ISBN: 9781164681649 List Price: $19.96
International Law Topics and Discussions 1905 by Naval War College ISBN: 9781164724483 List Price: $31.96
International Law Studies (Volume 71) by College, Naval War ISBN: 9781154351170 List Price: $15.00
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