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The Pursuit of Liberty: A History of the American People, Vol. 2 by R. Jackson Wilson, James Gi... ISBN: 9780673469229 List Price: $187.40
Information Technology for Schools Creating Practical Knowledge to Improve Student Performance by Kallick, Bena O., Wilson, J... ISBN: 9780787955229 List Price: $30.00
Works of James M. Whitfield : America and Other Writings by a Nineteenth-Century African Ame... by Whitfield, James Monroe, Le... ISBN: 9780807871782 List Price: $26.95
Viking World by Graham-Campbell, James, Wil... ISBN: 9780899190051
Viking World by Graham-Campbell, James, Wil... ISBN: 9780711218000 List Price: $29.95
Six Lectures on Pastoral Theology by Wilson, The Ven James M. ISBN: 9781117479743 List Price: $29.75
The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland: being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891 ... W... by James Theodore Bent, Robert... ISBN: 9781241516987 List Price: $36.75
The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland: being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891. With... by James Theodore Bent, Robert... ISBN: 9781241520397 List Price: $38.75
New Borders for a Changing Europe Cross-Border Cooperation and Governance by Anderson, James, Wilson, Th... ISBN: 9780714683485 List Price: $41.95
Geometry in Grades One-Four Problems in the Formation of Geometric Concepts in Primary Schoo... by Pyshkalo, A. M., Wilson, Ja... ISBN: 9780936745565 List Price: $55.01
New Borders for a Changing Europe Cross-Border Cooperation and Governance by Anderson, James, O'Dowd, Li... ISBN: 9780714654232 List Price: $150.00
Culture and Cooperation in Europe's Borderlands by Anderson, James, O'Dowd, Li... ISBN: 9789042010857 List Price: $72.00
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I. ... by Gindikin, Simon G., Lepowsk... ISBN: 9780817638559 List Price: $123.00
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century In Honor of the Eightieth Birth of I M. G... by Gindikin, Simon G., Lepowsk... ISBN: 9780817637552 List Price: $114.00
Personal recollections of the war of the rebellion; addresses delivered before the New York ... by James Grant Wilson, T M. b.... ISBN: 9781172871292 List Price: $41.75
Accounts of the Priory of Worcester for the Year 13-14 Henry Viii : A. D. 1521-2 by Priory, Worcester, Wilson, ... ISBN: 9781174824746 List Price: $20.75
Handbook of Double Stars : For the Use of Amateurs by Crossley, Edward, Gledhill,... ISBN: 9781108039772 List Price: $39.99
Accounts of the Priory of Worcester for the Year 13-14 Henry Viii : A. D. 1521-2 by Priory, Worcester, Wilson, ... ISBN: 9781177391801 List Price: $19.75
Six Lectures on Pastoral Theology, with an Appendix on the Influence of Scientific Training ... by Wilson, James M. 1836-1931 ISBN: 9781175348081 List Price: $30.75
R�flexions Sur l'�tude des Langues Asiatiques, Adress�es a Sir James MacKintosh, Suivies d'u... by August Wilhelm Von Schlegel ISBN: 9781277390957 List Price: $25.75
Texaco, Inc., Petitioner, v. Superior Court of State of Delaware In and For New Castle Count... by JAMES M TUNNELL, JOHN J WILSON ISBN: 9781270454182 List Price: $33.99
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