Showing 101 - 125 of 169 Results
The Leadbeater Papers, Vol. 2: The Annals of Ballitore, With a Memoir of the Author; Letters... by Leadbeater, Mary, Mary Lead... ISBN: 9781331348276 List Price: $16.57
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore, with a Memoir of the Author - Primary Source Ed... by Crabbe, George, Burke, Edmu... ISBN: 9781294553953 List Price: $37.75
Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton : Late of Ballitore, Ireland - Prima... by Leadbeater, Mary, Shackleto... ISBN: 9781294554332 List Price: $26.75
Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry (Classic Reprint) by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9780331922493 List Price: $31.26
Biographical Notices of Members of the Society of Friends : Who Were Resident in Ireland by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9780461643848 List Price: $14.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9780461427950 List Price: $16.95
Tales for Cottagers, Accomodated to the Present Condition of the Irish Peasantry by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9780461417081 List Price: $15.95
Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry, with Notes and a Preface by M. Edgeworth by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9780461463958 List Price: $14.95
Leadbeater Papers; a Selection from the Mss. and Correspondence of Mary Leadbeater; Volume I by Crabbe, George, Leadbeater,... ISBN: 9780526971251 List Price: $19.95
The Leadbeater Papers; a Selection From the Mss. and Correspondence of Mary Leadbeater; Volu... by George Crabbe, Mary Leadbea... ISBN: 9780526971268 List Price: $29.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore; Volume 1 by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9781017649222 List Price: $22.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore, with a Memoir of the Author by Crabbe, George, Leadbeater,... ISBN: 9781016343664 List Price: $22.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore, with a Memoir of the Author by Crabbe, George, Leadbeater,... ISBN: 9781016333344 List Price: $33.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore, with a Memoir of the Author by Crabbe, George, Leadbeater,... ISBN: 9780344214172 List Price: $32.95
Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton by Shackleton, Mary Leadbeater... ISBN: 9781017507409 List Price: $28.95
Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton by Shackleton, Mary Leadbeater... ISBN: 9781017512533 List Price: $18.95
Leadbeater Papers : The Annals of Ballitore; Volume 1 by Leadbeater, Mary ISBN: 9781017644333 List Price: $33.95
Tales for Cottagers : Accomodated to the Present Condition of the Irish Peasantry by Leadbeater, Mary, Shakleton... ISBN: 9781019030516 List Price: $32.95
Tales for Cottagers : Accomodated to the Present Condition of the Irish Peasantry by Leadbeater, Mary, Shakleton... ISBN: 9781019035351 List Price: $21.95
Biographical Notices of Members of the Society of Friends, Who Were Resident in Ireland by Leadbeater, Mary, Larvey an... ISBN: 9781018076836 List Price: $30.95
Biographical Notices of Members of the Society of Friends, Who Were Resident in Ireland by Leadbeater, Mary, Larvey an... ISBN: 9781018081847 List Price: $20.95
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