Showing 101 - 125 of 345 Results
Sacharissa Volume 285,; Some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland, Her Family a... by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781236457806 List Price: $19.66
Isabella d'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539 Volume 1; a Study of the Renaissance by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781153879804 List Price: $21.42
Raphael in Rome by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781235844218 List Price: $14.14
Painters of Florence from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781290878739 List Price: $30.95
Madame : A Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I. and Duchess of Orleans... by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781271112142 List Price: $35.75
Life and Times of Sandro Botticelli by Julia Mary (Cartwright) Ady... ISBN: 9781278650272 List Price: $30.75
Baldassare Castiglione the Perfect Courtier : His Life and Letter, 1478-1529, Volume 2... by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781279022054 List Price: $43.75
Isabella d'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539 : A Study of the Renaissance, Volume 2 by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781286104248 List Price: $37.75
Jean Fran�ois Millet, His Life and Letters by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781290151931 List Price: $30.95
Italian Gardens of the Renaissance, and Other Studies by Ady, Julia Mary (Cartwright... ISBN: 9781290149235 List Price: $28.95
Jean Fran�ois Millet : His Life and Letters by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781273042614 List Price: $37.75
Raphael in Rome by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781175117847 List Price: $18.75
Italian Gardens of the Renaissance and Other Studies by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781437122589 List Price: $31.95
Isabella D'este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539: A Study of the Renaissance, Volume 1 - Pr... by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781293392188 List Price: $36.75
Madame, a Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I and Duchess of Orleans by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781289837440 List Price: $35.75
Christina of Denmark, duchess of Milan and Lorraine 1522-1590 by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9785518997967 List Price: $44.95
Isabella D'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539: A Study of the Renaissance - Primary Sour... by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781287626015 List Price: $37.75
Early Work of Raphael by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781287364054 List Price: $18.75
Baldassare Castiglione, the Perfect Courtier; His Life and Letters, 1478-1529 Volume 2 - Pri... by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781287838821 List Price: $43.75
Raphael by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781355207986 List Price: $24.95
Beatrice D'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 by Ady Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781318955176 List Price: $30.95
The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury by Ady Julia Mary Cartwright ISBN: 9781318079377 List Price: $22.95
Isabella D'este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539: A Study of the Renaissance, Volume 2 by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781297560316 List Price: $29.95
Madame: A Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I and Duchess of Orleans by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781297649806 List Price: $28.95
Jean François Millet, his Life and Letters by Julia Mary Cartwright Ady ISBN: 9781296577186 List Price: $28.95
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