Showing 26 - 50 of 126 Results
Famine and Food Security in Ethiopia: Lessons for Africa by Webb, Patrick, Von Braun, J... ISBN: 9780471948216 List Price: $65.00
Baltic Musics/Baltic Musicologies: The Landscape Since 1991 by Karnes, Kevin C., Braun, Jo... ISBN: 9780415472326
Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries Towards Optimizing the Benefits for the Poor by Qaim, Matin, Krattiger, Ana... ISBN: 9780792372301 List Price: $210.00
Agricultural Commercialization, Economic Development, and Nutrition by Von Braun, Joachim, Kennedy... ISBN: 9780801847592 List Price: $60.00
Drought and Famine Relationships in Sudan Policy and Implications by Tesfaye Teklu, Von Braun, J... ISBN: 9780896290914 List Price: $4.50
Effects of Food Price and Subsidy Policies on Egyptian Agriculture by Von Braun, Joachim, Haen, H... ISBN: 9780896290433 List Price: $4.50
Employment for Poverty Reduction and Food Security by Von Braun, Joachim ISBN: 9780896293328 List Price: $7.50
Famine in Ethiopia Policy Implications of Coping Failure at National and Household Levels by Webb, Patrick, Von Braun, J... ISBN: 9780896290952 List Price: $5.00
Famine in Africa Causes, Responses, and Prevention by Von Braun, Joachim, Pinstru... ISBN: 9780801866296 List Price: $17.95
Improving Food Security of the Poor Concept, Policy, and Programs by Braun, Joachim Von (Unk) ISBN: 9780896293229 List Price: $6.50
Irrigation Technology and Commercialization of Rice in the Gambia Effects on Income and Nutr... by Von Braun, Joachim, Puetz, ... ISBN: 9780896290778 List Price: $5.00
Nontraditional Export Crops in Guatemala Effects on Production, Income, and Nutrition by Von Braun, Joachim, Hotchki... ISBN: 9780896290754 List Price: $4.50
Credit Systems for the Rural Poor in China by Zhu Ling, Jiang Zhongyi, Jo... ISBN: 9781560724421 List Price: $120.00
Data Needs for Food Policy in Developing Countries New Directions for Household Surveys by Von Braun, Joachim, Puetz, ... ISBN: 9780896293298 List Price: $6.50
Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor by Von Braun, Joachim, Díaz-Bo... ISBN: 9780896297685
On Jewish Music Past And Present by Braun, Joachim ISBN: 9780820477220 List Price: $76.95
On Jewish Music: Past And Present by Joachim Braun ISBN: 9783631539057 List Price: $106.95
Villages in the Future Crops, Jobs and Livelihood by Virchow, D., Von Braun, Joa... ISBN: 9783540424673 List Price: $125.00
Famine and Food Security in Ethiopia : Lessons for Africa by Webb, Patrick, Von Braun, J... ISBN: 9780471948193 List Price: $90.00
Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries: Towards Optimizing the Benefits for the ... by Qaim, Matin, Krattiger, Ana... ISBN: 9781441948649 List Price: $210.00
Information And Communication Technologies for Development And Poverty Reduction The Potenti... by Torero, Maximo, Von Braun, ... ISBN: 9780801880414 List Price: $60.00
Weil wir Jungen sind. by Joachim Braun, Daniel Kunz ISBN: 9783499614255
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