Tax Treaties and Domestic Legislation Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Rio De Janeiro in 198...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065445780
List Price: $82.00
How Domestic Anti-Avoidance Rules Affect Double Taxation Conventions: Proceedings of a Semin...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041100702
International Tax Problems of Charities and Other Private Institutions With Similar Tax Trea...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065442703
List Price: $94.00
Data Processing in Taxation Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Amsterdam in 1988 During the 42...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065444370
List Price: $116.00
Inheritance and Wealth Tax Aspects of Emigration and Immigration of Individuals Proceedings ...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041122131
List Price: $57.00
Tax Treaties and Local Taxes Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Barcelona in 1991 During the 4...
by White, F.E., International ...
ISBN: 9789065447029
List Price: $87.00
Taxation and Human Rights Proceedings
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065443847
List Price: $110.00
Taxation Issues in a Federal State and Economic Groupings With Concurrent Taxing Authorities...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041104762
List Price: $75.80
Taxation of Non-Resident Entertainers
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041102850
List Price: $106.30
Ifa Tax Policy Towards National Heritage (IFA Congress Series Set)
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065441782
List Price: $108.00
Oecd Model Convention - 1998 and Beyond The Concept of Beneficial Ownership in Tax Treaties
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041114273
List Price: $37.90
Practical Experience With the Oecd Transfer Pricing Guidelines Proceedings of a Seminar Held...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041112989
List Price: $47.90
Presumptive Income Taxation Proceedings of a Seminar Held in New Delhi, in 1997 During the 5...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041110459
List Price: $46.60
Dividend Access Shares Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Cannes, France, in 1995 During the 4...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041102973
List Price: $98.20
Corporate Tax on Distributions Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Florence, Italy, in 1993 Dur...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065448446
List Price: $121.00
Cross-Border Effects of Restructuring Including Change of Legal Form Proceedings of a Semina...
by Maisto, Guglielmo, Internat...
ISBN: 9789041116796
List Price: $85.10
Oecd Model Convention, 1996 and Beyond Income of Professional Partnerships Employees As Perm...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041110299
List Price: $62.20
Oecd Model Convention - 1997 and Beyond Current Problems of the Permanent Establishment Defi...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041111623
List Price: $46.00
Visions of the Tax Systems of the Xxist Century
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041104748
List Price: $65.00
Secondary Adjustments and Related Aspects of Transfer Pricing Corrections Proceedings of a S...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041101587
List Price: $70.20
International Tax Treatment of Common Law Trusts Proceedings
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065443465
List Price: $84.00
International Taxation of Services Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Rio De Janeiro in 1989 D...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065445735
List Price: $98.00
International Taxation of Dividends Reconsidered in Light of Corporate Tax Integration Proce...
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789041108715
List Price: $54.00
Advance Ruling Practice & Legality
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065448439
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Ifa Resolution of Tax Treaty Conflicts by Arbitration
by International Fiscal Associ...
ISBN: 9789065448682
List Price: $92.00