Showing 151 - 175 of 310 Results
Pandectæ Justinianeæ, In Novum Ordinem Digestæ, Cum Legibus Codicis, Et Novellis, Quæ Jus Pa... by (Emperor ), Justinian I., J... ISBN: 9781344021197 List Price: $33.95
Gestorben 565 : Justinian I. , Belisar by Gruppe, Bcher, Gruppe, Bucher ISBN: 9781159022006 List Price: $14.14
Gestorben 582 : Agathias, Tiberios I. , Leudast, Justinian by Gruppe, Bucher ISBN: 9781159022044 List Price: $14.14
Justinianische Dynastie : Justinian I. , Maurikios, Justin Ii. , Theodora I. , Justin I. , T... by Gruppe, Bcher, Gruppe, Bucher ISBN: 9781159078775 List Price: $19.99
Justinian I : Indiktion, Gotenkrieg, Prokopios Von Caesarea, Corpus Iuris Civilis, Nika-Aufs... by Gruppe, Bcher, Gruppe, Bucher ISBN: 9781159078782 List Price: $19.99
6th-Century Byzantine Emperors : Justinian I by Llc, Books ISBN: 9781156728512 List Price: $14.14
Institutes of Justinian : With English Introduction, Translation, and Notes by I, Justinian ISBN: 9781146881326 List Price: $49.75
Die Religions-Politik, Kaiser Justinians I by Knecht, August ISBN: 9781117352367 List Price: $19.99
Kirchliche Vermogen Von der Altesten Zeit Bis Auf Justinian I by Braun, Johann Baptist ISBN: 9781162374697 List Price: $33.95
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