Showing 1 - 25 of 188 Results
New Introduction to Modal Logic by Hughes, G. E., Cresswell, M... ISBN: 9780415126007 List Price: $44.95
Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity by Marsden, Jerrold E., Hughes... ISBN: 9780486678658 List Price: $25.95
Ironsides! the Ship, the Men and the Wars of the USS Constitution by Brodine, Charles E., Jr., C... ISBN: 9781934757147
Introduction to Modal Logic by Hughes, George E., Cresswel... ISBN: 9780416294606 List Price: $17.95
Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents by Allen, Hugh D., Driscoll, D... ISBN: 9780781786843 List Price: $359.95
Learning Pharmacology Through McQ A Comprehensive Text by Large, B. J., Hughes, I. E. ISBN: 9780471927082 List Price: $160.00
Einfa1/4hrung in Die Modallogik (Grundlagen Der Kommunikation Bibliotheksausgabe) by Hughes, G. E., Cresswell, M... ISBN: 9783110046090 List Price: $129.00
New Introduction to Modal Logic by Hughes, G. E., Cresswell, M... ISBN: 9780415125994 List Price: $135.00
Textual Sublime Deconstruction and Its Differences by Silverman, Hugh J., Ayleswo... ISBN: 9780791400746 List Price: $23.50
Development of Sensory Systems (Handbook of Sensory Physiology) by C. M. Bate, V. McMillan Car... ISBN: 9783642668821 List Price: $129.00
E a Laboratories v. Trico Products Corporation U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with ... by HUGH M MORRIS, EDWIN J PRINDLE ISBN: 9781270264668 List Price: $27.99
Adult Book Store v. Sensenbrenner (M.E.) U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Suppor... by LAURENCE E STURTZ, JAMES J ... ISBN: 9781270568049 List Price: $34.99
Columbia Ins Co of New Jersey v. Mart Waterman Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record wi... by ROBERT J FOX, CHARLES E HUGHES ISBN: 9781270204879 List Price: $27.99
Carmen v. Fox Film Corporation U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Plead... by WM J HUGHES, SAUL E ROGERS ISBN: 9781270108856 List Price: $30.99
Boats : The Work They Do and the Way They Do It by Coffin, Rebecca J., Hughes,... ISBN: 9781258065393 List Price: $35.95
Ambassador Hotel Company of Los Angeles, Petitioner, v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. U.... by JOHN E HUGHES, J LEE RANKIN ISBN: 9781270458388 List Price: $30.99
Grammar of General Geography, by J. Goldsmith, Revised by E. Hughes by Phillips, Richard ISBN: 9781231999066 List Price: $21.51
John Marin Collection at the Colby College Museum of Art by Marin, John, Fine, Ruth E.,... ISBN: 9780972848404 List Price: $30.00
E. J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island by Robert Amos ISBN: 9781771512558 List Price: $35.00
Thuggish Itch: Devilish by Finn, Tim, Trost, Cameron, ... ISBN: 9781729356050 List Price: $9.99
Management Information Systems Fourth Edition Loose-Leaf Print Companion E-Text by Rainer, R. Kelly, Prince, B... ISBN: 9781119444398 List Price: $115.95
International Broadcasting Convention by Flood, J. E., Hughes, C. J. ISBN: 9780852963401 List Price: $116.00
Investment Counseling for Private Clients III by Janet T. Miller, James E. H... ISBN: 9780935015669 List Price: $25.00
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