Showing 26 - 50 of 356 Results
Principal Household Insects of the United States : With A Chapter on Insects Affecting Dry V... by Howard, Leland Ossian, Marl... ISBN: 9781167259869 List Price: $28.76
Economic Loss to People of the United States Through Insects That Carry Disease by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781164627920 List Price: $12.76
The San Jos Scale; Its Occurrence in the United States With a Full Account of Its Life Histo... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217102698 List Price: $16.00
The House Fly, Disease Carrier by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217592000 List Price: $19.89
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies, Issue 159,volume 4 by Howard, Leland Ossian, Dyar... ISBN: 9781147139273 List Price: $41.75
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies: Plates by Howard, Leland Ossian, Dyar... ISBN: 9781147520897 List Price: $30.75
A Study In Insect Parasitism: A Consideration Of The Parasites Of The White-marked Tussock M... by Leland Ossian Howard ISBN: 9781179858920 List Price: $17.75
The House Fly, Disease Carrier: An Account of Its Dangerous Activities and of the Means of D... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780548885581 List Price: $31.95
Economic Loss to People of the United States Through Insects That Carry Disease (1909) by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781436829045 List Price: $15.95
The House Fly, Disease Carrier: An Account of Its Dangerous Activities and of the Means of D... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781436655392 List Price: $46.95
The Insect Book: A Popular Account of the Bees, Wasps, Ants, Grasshoppers, Flies and Other N... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781144329448 List Price: $47.75
Recent Laws Against Insects in North America; Together With the Laws Relative to Foul Brood by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781459060128 List Price: $20.00
The House Fly, Disease Carrier: An Account of Its Dangerous Activities and of the Means of D... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781144441591 List Price: $32.75
The House Fly, Disease Carrier: An Account of Its Dangerous Activities and of the Means of D... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781144783431 List Price: $32.75
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies, Volume 3 by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781142608248 List Price: $40.75
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies (no. 159, v. 4) by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781150313882 List Price: $67.17
The Laws in Force Against Injurious Insects and Foul Brood in the United States by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781150497421 List Price: $29.55
The Catalpa Sphinx (1916) by Howard, Leland Ossian, Chit... ISBN: 9781120733689 List Price: $15.95
The Horn Fly: Being An Account Of Its Life History And The Means To Be Used Against It (1889) by Riley, Charles Valentine, H... ISBN: 9781120762863 List Price: $15.95
The Leopard Moth: A Dangerous Imported Insect Enemy Of Shade Trees (1916) by Howard, Leland Ossian, Chit... ISBN: 9781120765819 List Price: $15.95
Legislation Against Injurious Insects; A Compilation of the Laws and Regulations in the Unit... by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217170710 List Price: $13.38
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies (pt. 1) by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217097833 List Price: $23.98
Mosquitoes by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217319850 List Price: $8.68
The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies (no. 159,v. 1) by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9780217357982 List Price: $23.98
A Contribution To The Study Of The Insect Fauna Of Human Excrement (1900) by Howard, Leland Ossian ISBN: 9781120113948 List Price: $16.95
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