Showing 76 - 100 of 1,162 Results
Collections towards the History of Pontefract. Edited by R. Holmes by Anonymous, Richard H. H. Ho... ISBN: 9781241324162 List Price: $40.75
A short account of the history of Pontefract and chief places of interest in the surrounding... by Thomas William Tew, Richard... ISBN: 9781241348854 List Price: $17.75
A short account of the Old Houses of Tewkesbury, etc. (A paper on Holme Castle, the residenc... by Henry Paget Moore, Frederic... ISBN: 9781241350512 List Price: $17.75
Jabez Oliphant; or, The modern prince. A novel. [By J. H. Burrow.] by John Holme Burrow ISBN: 9781241395001 List Price: $31.75
Jabez Oliphant; or, The modern prince. A novel. [By J. H. Burrow.] by John Holme Burrow ISBN: 9781241380236 List Price: $31.75
Danmarks Riges Historie af J. Steenstrup, Kr. Erslev, A. Heise, V. Mollerup, J. A. Friderici... by Johannes C. H. R. Steenstrup ISBN: 9781241595487 List Price: $53.75
Collections towards the History of Pontefract. Edited by R. Holmes. by Anonymous, Richard H. H. Ho... ISBN: 9781241604790 List Price: $36.75
Allocation of Time by Women Without Family Responsibilities by Holmes, Ivory H. ISBN: 9780819129031
Use of Gold and Other Metals among Ancient Inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien by Holmes, William H. ISBN: 9781169472693 List Price: $24.76
Oakleigh, or, the Minor of Great Expectations by Holmes, W. h. m., Holmes, W... ISBN: 9781174895654 List Price: $29.75
Masterpieces of American Literature : Franklin, Irving, Bryant, Webster, Everett, Longfellow... by Kneeland, John, Wheeler, H.... ISBN: 9781175623218 List Price: $37.75
Ancient Pottery of the Mississippi Valley, by William H Holmes by Holmes, William Henry ISBN: 9781176188815 List Price: $18.75
Soil Survey Around Imperial, Cal : [report by Means, Thomas H., Holmes, J... ISBN: 9781171584766 List Price: $14.75
Higher Education for Women in Japan, 1946-1948 : Oral history transcript / and related Mater... by Holmes, Lulu H., Brewer, He... ISBN: 9781171779919 List Price: $21.75
Norwich School; John Crome, John Sell Cotman, George Vincent, James Stark, J Berney Crome, J... by Holme, C. Geoffrey 1887-195... ISBN: 9781172369546 List Price: $24.75
Soil Survey of the Redding Area, Californi by Lapham, Macy H. B. 1874, Ho... ISBN: 9781176985070 List Price: $15.75
Tenth Meeting of the National Federation of Religious Liberals by National Federation of Rel ... ISBN: 9781166560904 List Price: $13.56
Oakleigh V3 : Or the Minor of Great Expectations (1843) by Holmes, W. H. M. ISBN: 9781166992941 List Price: $23.16
Oakleigh V3 : Or the Minor of Great Expectations (1843) by Holmes, W. h. m., Holmes, W... ISBN: 9781167107146 List Price: $35.16
Walton and Holmes's Arithmetics : Third Book (1908) by Walton, George Augustus, Ho... ISBN: 9781165152698 List Price: $22.36
Walton and Holmes's Arithmetics : Third Book (1908) by Walton, George Augustus, Ho... ISBN: 9781165202522 List Price: $34.36
Elements of Natural Philosophy : Acoustics and Optics (1866) by Bartlett, William Holms Cha... ISBN: 9781164380382 List Price: $39.16
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