Showing 151 - 174 of 174 Results
The Proclamation of Cupid: Or, a Defence of Women. a Poem from Chaucer by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379867340 List Price: $19.95
The Life and Character of Mr. John Philips. Author of the Splendid Shilling, Bleinheim, Cyde... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385211229 List Price: $19.95
Thf [sic] Resigners Vindicated. Part II. and Last. Containing I. an Account of the Authors o... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385339053 List Price: $19.95
Observations upon Cato : A Tragedy by Mr. Addison (Classic Reprint) by Sewell, George ISBN: 9780483411616 List Price: $24.43
New Collection of Original Poems, Never Printed in Any Miscellany (Classic Reprint) by Sewell, George D. ISBN: 9780267289639 List Price: $25.92
An Essay Towards a True Account of the Life and Character of the Late Bishop of Salisbury: I... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385626450 List Price: $19.95
The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. as It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Field... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379442622 List Price: $21.95
The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. as It Is Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. by ... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379519768 List Price: $21.95
Remarks Upon a Pamphlet Intitul'd, Observations Upon the State of the Nation, in January, 17... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379559597 List Price: $19.95
The Life and Character of Mr. John Philips. by Mr. Sewell. the Third Edition by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379583592 List Price: $19.95
Thf [sic] Resigners Vindicated. Part II. and Last. Containing I. an Account of the Authors o... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781379623397 List Price: $19.95
The Clergy and the Present Ministry Defended. Being a Letter to the Bishop of Salisbury, Occ... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385669730 List Price: $19.95
A Second Letter to the Bishop of Salisbury, Upon the Publication of His New Volume of Sermon... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385720769 List Price: $19.95
Just the FAQs, please: About Alcohol and Drug Abuse by Baldwin, Dan, Sewell, Georg... ISBN: 9781540678225 List Price: $11.99
A True Account of the Life and Writings of Thomas Burnett, Esq. by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385459508 List Price: $19.95
The Clergy and the Present Ministry Defended. Being a Letter to the Bishop of Salisbury, Occ... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385473788 List Price: $19.95
Posthumours Works of Dr. George Sewell I. the Tragedy of King Richard the First. II. an Essa... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385541463 List Price: $23.95
An Introduction to the Life and Writings of G-T Lord Bishop of S-M. Being a Third Letter to ... by Sewell, George, George Sewell ISBN: 9781385546727 List Price: $21.95
Krismere: the Point of Discovery by Sewell, George ISBN: 9798379106645
Krismere : The Point of Discovery by Sewell, George ISBN: 9798379227425
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