Showing 101 - 125 of 2,008 Results
Makers of American History : William Penn by Ellis, George Edward, Peabo... ISBN: 9781177216470 List Price: $32.75
Fabliaux or Tales, Abridged from French Manuscripts of the Xiith and Xiiith Centuries by Legrand, Cit., Way, G. L. D... ISBN: 9781177299688 List Price: $28.75
Parodies and Other Burlesque Pieces by Canning, George, Ellis, Geo... ISBN: 9781177345507 List Price: $36.75
Fabliaux or Tales, Abridged from French Manuscripts of the Xiith and Xiiith Centuries by M l... by Legrand, Cit., Way, G. L. D... ISBN: 9781177486293 List Price: $29.75
Hygiene and War; Suggestions for Makers of Textbooks and for Use in Schools by Jones, George Ellis, Burnha... ISBN: 9781177452434 List Price: $24.75
Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy with Particular Reference to Its Origin, Its Cours... by Ellis, George Edward ISBN: 9781177656924 List Price: $41.75
George Meredith; His Life and Friends in Relation to His Work by Ellis, S. M. ISBN: 9781177792318 List Price: $34.75
Commemorative Discourse Delivered in the New South Church, Church Green, Boston by Ellis, George Edward ISBN: 9781166412708 List Price: $12.76
Catalogue of Arabic Books in the British Museum V2 by Ellis, Alexander George ISBN: 9781166483708 List Price: $29.56
Extracts from a History of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1810-1851 : With A Continuati... by Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingerso... ISBN: 9781166572150 List Price: $15.96
Christian Trinity : The Doctrine of God, the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (1860) by Ellis, George Edward ISBN: 9781166939021 List Price: $15.16
Training in Education by Jones, George Ellis ISBN: 9781167184260 List Price: $15.96
King Philip's War : Based on the Archives and Records of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Isla... by Ellis, George William, Morr... ISBN: 9781164934561 List Price: $27.96
King Philip's War : Based on the Archives and Records of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Isla... by Ellis, George William, Morr... ISBN: 9781165046591 List Price: $39.96
Red Man and the White Man in North Americ : From Its Discovery to the Present Time (1882) by Ellis, George Edward ISBN: 9781165615797 List Price: $39.16
Fabliaux V1 : Or Tales Abridged from French Manuscripts of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centur... by Le Grand, M., Way, Gregory ... ISBN: 9781164311836 List Price: $34.36
King Philip's War : Based on the Archives and Records of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Isla... by Ellis, George W., Morris, J... ISBN: 9781164395232 List Price: $39.16
George Meredith : His Life and Friends in Relation to His Work (1920) by Ellis, S. M. ISBN: 9781164402145 List Price: $39.96
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