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Journal of Thomas Wallcut In 1790 by Wallcut, Thomas, Dexter, Ge... ISBN: 9781497933972 List Price: $20.95
Letters and Recollections, Being Letters to Tobias Lear and Others Between 1790 and 1799, Sh... by Washington, George, Lear, T... ISBN: 9781295584741 List Price: $31.75
Letters and Recollections, Being Letters to Tobias Lear and Others Between 1790 and 1799, Sh... by Washington, George, Lear, T... ISBN: 9781295882397 List Price: $31.75
Voyage Philosophique Et Pittoresque En Angleterre Et En France Fait En 1790 by George Forster, Forster-G ISBN: 9782012158597 List Price: $28.95
Ansichten vom Niederrhein: von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich im April, ... by Georg Forster, Wilhelm Büchner ISBN: 9781293082171 List Price: $37.75
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften: Bd. Ansichten Vom Niederrhein, Von Brabant, Flandern, H... by Georg Gottfried Gervinus, J... ISBN: 9781294305743 List Price: $40.75
Greenwich Hospital : A Series of Naval Sketches, Descriptive of the Life of a Man-Of-War's M... by Cruikshank, George, Old Sai... ISBN: 9781294407836 List Price: $26.75
Sketch of the reign of George the Third: , from 1780, to the close of the year 1790 by Unknown Author ISBN: 9781554790937 List Price: $26.95
Works of George Berkeley; Including His Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq. , Dean Gervais, Mr. Po... by Berkeley, George 1685-1753,... ISBN: 9781372136818 List Price: $19.95
Works of George Berkeley; Including His Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq. , Dean Gervais, Mr. Po... by Berkeley, George 1685-1753,... ISBN: 9781372136863 List Price: $29.95
Paget Brothers, 1790-1840 by Hylton, Hylton George Hylto... ISBN: 9781372178061 List Price: $28.95
Paget Brothers, 1790-1840 by Hylton, Hylton George Hylto... ISBN: 9781372178016 List Price: $18.95
New Curiosities of Literature : And Book of the Months; Volume 1 by Soane, George 1790-1860 ISBN: 9781372284496 List Price: $27.95
New Curiosities of Literature : And Book of the Months; Volume 1 by Soane, George 1790-1860 ISBN: 9781372284458 List Price: $17.95
Malacostraca Podophthalmata Britanniae, or, Descriptions of Such British Species of the Linn... by Leach, William Elford 1790-... ISBN: 9781372424076 List Price: $25.95
Malacostraca Podophthalmata Britanniae, or, Descriptions of Such British Species of the Linn... by Leach, William Elford 1790-... ISBN: 9781372424045 List Price: $15.95
Tabernacle : Or the Gospel According to Moses by Junkin, George 1790-1868 ISBN: 9781372584107 List Price: $23.95
Tabernacle : Or the Gospel According to Moses by Junkin, George 1790-1868 ISBN: 9781372584091 List Price: $13.95
Works of Lord Byron, in Verse and Prose, Including His Letters, Journals, Etc by Byron, George Gordon Byron ... ISBN: 9781372664700 List Price: $29.95
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