Showing 26 - 32 of 32 Results
Remarks on the Army Regulations and Executive Regulations in General (Classic Reprint) by Lieber, G. Norman ISBN: 9781528387279 List Price: $27.88
Use of the Army in Aid of the Civil Power (Classic Reprint) by Lieber, G. Norman ISBN: 9780656136513 List Price: $25.84
Remarks on the Army Regulations and Executive Regulations in General by Lieber, G. Norman, G. Norma... ISBN: 9780649689910 List Price: $11.99
The Use of the Army in Aid of the Civil Power by G. Norman Lieber ISBN: 9780530711492 List Price: $21.95
The Use of the Army in Aid of the Civil Power by Lieber, G. Norman ISBN: 9781019619094
The Use of the Army in Aid of the Civil Power by Lieber, G. Norman ISBN: 9781021416834
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