Showing 376 - 400 of 4,329 Results
The Pioneers of New France in New England, with Contemporary Letters and Documents by Baxter, James Phinney ISBN: 9781142106133 List Price: $37.75
The Dramatic Works of John Crowne: Juliana. the History of Charles the Eighth of France. Cal... by Maidment, James, Logan, Wil... ISBN: 9781142240868 List Price: $32.75
Events Management: An Introduction by Charles Bladen, Nick Wilde,... ISBN: 9780415577410 List Price: $165.00
Literary Reputation of Walt Whitman in France by Pucciani, Oreste F., Wilhel... ISBN: 9780824084332
Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre by George Payne Rainsford James ISBN: 9781179308586 List Price: $35.75
Naval History of Great Britain, from the Declaration of War by France in 1793, to the Access... by James, William, Chamier, Fr... ISBN: 9781179334424 List Price: $40.75
M�moires du Mar�chal de Berwik, Duc et Pair de France, et G�n�ralissime des Arm�es de Sa Maj... by Berwick, Jacques Fitz-James ISBN: 9781179376486 List Price: $32.75
History Of France, From The Earliest Times To 1848 (Afrikaans Edition) by James White ISBN: 9781179500942 List Price: $44.75
Archives Entomologiques Ou Recueil Contenant des Illustrations D'Insectes Nouveaux Ou Rares by Thomson, James, Soci�t� Ent... ISBN: 9781179872919 List Price: $39.75
Old France in the New World; Quebec in the Seventeenth Century by James Douglas ISBN: 9781230347172 List Price: $22.40
Marie-Antoinette, Reine de France (1 ) (French Edition) by James De Chambrier ISBN: 9781230475288 List Price: $16.60
With the American Ambulance in France by James Robert Judd ISBN: 9781230280929 List Price: $12.32
Lessons of War As Taught by the Great Masters by Soady, France James ISBN: 9781231237588 List Price: $29.87
Louisiana Under the Rule of Spain, France, and the United States, 1785-1807; Social, Economi... by James Alexander Robertson ISBN: 9781230382845 List Price: $22.85
Roman Remains of Southern France A Guidebook by Bromwich, James ISBN: 9780415143585 List Price: $42.95
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