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Augustus by Williams, John Edward ISBN: 9781400076734 List Price: $15.95
History of European Morals From Augustus To Charlemagne by Hartpole-Lecky, William Edward ISBN: 9781410203151 List Price: $34.50
The Methods of Historical Study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford ... with th... by Edward Augustus Freeman ISBN: 9781241352677 List Price: $32.75
Indian Cottage by James Henry Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Translated by Edward Augustus Kendall by Saint Pierre, Bernardin De ISBN: 9781170779316 List Price: $20.75
Chief Periods of European History : Six Lectures, Read in the University of Oxford in Trinit... by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781165196883 List Price: $33.56
Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9783847220275 List Price: $19.99
Beauties of Saint Pierre : Selected from his studies of nature. by Edward Augustus Kendall by Saint Pierre, Bernardin De ISBN: 9781140653325 List Price: $26.75
At the Black Rocks - the Original Classic Edition by Rand, Edward A. (Edward Aug... ISBN: 9781486441020 List Price: $14.94
Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century : Comprising, the Treatise of the Russe Common ... by Fletcher, Giles, Horsey, Je... ISBN: 9781164951506 List Price: $34.36
The History of Sicily From the Earliest Times (Volume 2) by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781152311640 List Price: $25.89
History Of European Morals From Augustus To Charlemagne Vol II by Hartpole Lecky, William Edward ISBN: 9781113761941 List Price: $33.75
History of the Cathedral church of Wells as illustrating the history of the cathedral church... by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781116827170 List Price: $32.99
Some Points In The Later History Of The Greek Language (1882) by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781166144609 List Price: $12.76
The growth of the English constitution from the earliest times. by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781240144693 List Price: $26.75
Historical essays. by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781240149414 List Price: $34.75
Western Europe In The Fifth Century: An Aftermath (1904) by Freeman, Edward Augustus ISBN: 9781166377076 List Price: $39.96
Letters of Colonel Sir A. S. Frazer, K.C.B., commanding the Royal Horse Artillery in the arm... by Augustus Simon Frazer, Edwa... ISBN: 9781241438227 List Price: $46.75
Travels through the northern parts of the United States in ... 1807 and 1808. by Edward Augustus Kendall ISBN: 9781241364977 List Price: $31.75
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