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The Christian Doctrine of Immortality by Salmond S. D. F. (Stewart D... ISBN: 9781313533768 List Price: $38.95
War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, Captain, Assistant Adjutant-General, United States Vol... by Lusk William Thompson 1838-... ISBN: 9781313559478 List Price: $28.95
Grand Regulator : The Miseducation of Nova Scotia's Teachers, 1838-1997 by Perry, George D. ISBN: 9780773541467 List Price: $100.00
Vieja Del Candilejo Drama de D J M -D G R L D F G E en 5 Acots Madrid 1838 by D.F.G.E., D.G.R.L., D.J.M. ISBN: 9781276972918 List Price: $26.75
�chapp� de la Potence : Souvenirs D'un Prisonnier D'�tat Canadien En 1838... by Poutr�, F�lix ISBN: 9781277888096 List Price: $22.75
Narratives of a Late Expedition Against the Indians : With an account of the barbarous execu... by Brackenridge, H. H. 1748-18... ISBN: 9781179389929 List Price: $17.75
St Mark; Introduction by Bartlet, J. Vernon 1863-194... ISBN: 9781179892337 List Price: $37.75
Ritual Culture of Victorian Professionals : Competing for Ceremonial Status, 1838-1877 by Pionke, Albert D. ISBN: 9781409470489 List Price: $99.95
Cours d'�conomie Industrielle : 1838-1839... by Blanqui, Adolphe-J�r�me, Bl... ISBN: 9781271463213 List Price: $39.75
Ritual Culture of Victorian Professionals : Competing for Ceremonial Status, 1838-1877 by Pionke, Albert D. ISBN: 9781409470472 List Price: $99.95
Ritual Culture of Victorian Professionals : Competing for Ceremonial Status, 1838-1877 by Pionke, Albert D. ISBN: 9781409470465 List Price: $99.95
Tagebuch whrend des Feldzuges in Afghanistan 1838-1839: Aus dem englischen Originalhandschri... by Philipp d' Ormieux von Streng ISBN: 9780543687234 List Price: $23.99
Rapport Fait Au Grand Conseil, Dans Sa S�ance du Mercredi 5 D�cembre 1838, Par la Commission... by Vaud. Commission Charg�e De... ISBN: 9781278444314 List Price: $19.75
Reisebilder Aus S�d-Deutschland und Einem Theil der Schweiz : Gesammelt Im Sommer 1838... by Heeringen, Gustav Von ISBN: 9781278779874 List Price: $33.75
Histoire Des Salons de Paris: Tableaux Et Portraits Sous Louis XVI. T 6 (Ed.1837-1838) (Fren... by D. Abrantes L., Laure Junot... ISBN: 9782012670143 List Price: $26.40
British Interests and Activities in Texas, 1838-1846 by Adams, Ephraim D. ISBN: 9781404763067 List Price: $28.00
Galveston County Texas Marriage Records Volume A -D 1838 - 1870 : Galveston M01 by King, Dee Dee ISBN: 9781602110281 List Price: $19.99
The apostolical commission: the sermon at the consecration of the Right Reverand Leonidas Po... by Charles Pettit McIlvaine ISBN: 9781293411070 List Price: $15.75
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