Showing 126 - 150 of 170 Results
Theoretical Studies on the Flow Through Nozzles and Related Problems (Classic Reprint) by Courant, Richard ISBN: 9780331507508 List Price: $26.31
La pensée contemporaine , les grands courants by Michel Richard ISBN: 9782850080777
On the Partial Difference Equations of Mathematical Physics by Lewy, H., Courant, Richard ISBN: 9781018602196 List Price: $12.95
On the Partial Difference Equations of Mathematical Physics by Lewy, H., Courant, Richard ISBN: 9781018597331 List Price: $24.95
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, a Manual on the Mathematical Theory of Non-Linear Wave Motion by Courant, Richard, Friedrich... ISBN: 9781015615762 List Price: $18.95
Vorlesungen �ber Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und Elliptische Funktionen by Hurwitz, Adolf, Courant, Ri... ISBN: 9781015806368 List Price: $32.95
Vorlesungen �ber Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und Elliptische Funktionen by Hurwitz, Adolf, Courant, Ri... ISBN: 9781015811096 List Price: $21.95
Mathematical Theory of the Influence of a Dome on the Directivity Pattern of Sound Beams, Pa... by Bromberg, Eleazer, Courant,... ISBN: 9781379091301 List Price: $10.95
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, a Manual on the Mathematical Theory of Non-Linear Wave Motion by Courant, Richard, Friedrich... ISBN: 9781015606210 List Price: $28.95
Theoretical Studies on the Flow Through Nozzles and Related Problems by Courant, Richard, Friedrich... ISBN: 9781379214755 List Price: $12.95
Methods of Mathematical Physics by Courant, Richard, Hilbert, D. ISBN: 9783527617234 List Price: $187.00
Vorlesungen �ber Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und Elliptische Funktionen by Hurwitz, Adolf, Courant, Ri... ISBN: 9780270730203 List Price: $28.95
Vorlesungen �ber Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und Elliptische Funktionen by Hurwitz, Adolf, Courant, Ri... ISBN: 9780270730197 List Price: $18.95
Che cos'è la matematica? Introduzione elementare ai suoi concetti e metodi by Richard Courant, Herbert Ro... ISBN: 9788833912004
On the Partial Difference Equations of Mathematical Physics by Richard Courant, H Lewy ISBN: 9781377026947 List Price: $10.95
Introduction À La Lecture Courante (French Edition) by Richard-N ISBN: 9782019219468 List Price: $15.95
Interaction of Shock and Rare-faction Waves in One-dimensional Media by Courant, Richard, Richard C... ISBN: 9781376159974 List Price: $12.95
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, a Manual on the Mathematical Theory of Non-linear Wave Motion by Courant, Richard, Richard C... ISBN: 9781296523589 List Price: $25.95
Translations of mathematical ideas spread of Western culture What is Mathematics : The ideas... by zuo ping deng yi, R KE LA... ISBN: 9787309086232 List Price: $17.99
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, a Manual on the Mathematical Theory of Non-Linear Wave Motion by Richard Courant, K O Friedr... ISBN: 9780343284688 List Price: $15.95
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