Showing 151 - 175 of 353 Results
A New Method of Learning with Facility the Greek Tongue by Claude Lancelot ISBN: 9781355685609 List Price: $29.95
A New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue: Containing the Rules of Genders, De... by Lancelot, Claude, Arnauld, ... ISBN: 9781354651940 List Price: $28.95
Abrege de La Nouvelle Methode Pour Apprendre Facilement & En Peu de Temps La Langue Grecque by Lancelot, Claude, Claude La... ISBN: 9781354692578 List Price: $24.95
Abrege de La Nouvelle Methode Pour Apprendre ... La Langue Grecque by Lancelot, Claude, Claude La... ISBN: 9781354691656 List Price: $24.95
Abrege de La Nouvelle Methode Pour Apprendre Facilement & En Peu de Temps La Langue Grecque by Lancelot, Claude, Claude La... ISBN: 9781354724996 List Price: $24.95
Grammaire G�n�rale et Raisonn�e de Port-Royal - Primary Source Edition by Arnauld, Antoine, Lancelot,... ISBN: 9781294801382 List Price: $38.75
Jardin des Racines Grecques - Primary Source Edition by Planche, Joseph, Lancelot, ... ISBN: 9781294746614 List Price: $34.75
Grammaire gnrale et raisonne de Port-Royal par Arnauld et Lancelot; recde d'un Essai sur l'o... by Antoine Arnauld, Claude Lan... ISBN: 9781293236130 List Price: $37.75
Narrative of a Tour Taken in the Year 1667, to la Grande Chartreuse and Alet, by Dom Claude ... by Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne... ISBN: 9781372510014 List Price: $25.95
Narrative of a Tour Taken in the Year 1667, to la Grande Chartreuse and Alet, by Dom Claude ... by Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne... ISBN: 9781372509995 List Price: $15.95
Primitives of the Greek Tongue by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695 ISBN: 9781372627859 List Price: $13.95
Primitives of the Greek Tongue : With Rules for Derivation by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695 ISBN: 9781372627880 List Price: $23.95
Grammaire Generale et Raisonnee, Contenant les Fondemens de l'Art de Parler ... [Par] Antoin... by Arnauld, Antoine 1612-1694,... ISBN: 9781362671008 List Price: $23.95
Grammaire Generale et Raisonnee, Contenant les Fondemens de l'Art de Parler ... [Par] Antoin... by Arnauld, Antoine 1612-1694,... ISBN: 9781362671039 List Price: $32.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue... Enlarged with Variety of Solid Rema... by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695... ISBN: 9781371413651 List Price: $18.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue... Enlarged with Variety of Solid Rema... by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695... ISBN: 9781371413675 List Price: $28.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Greek Tongue . . by [Lancelot, Claude] 1615?-16... ISBN: 9781371585099 List Price: $29.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Greek Tongue . . by [Lancelot, Claude] 1615?-16... ISBN: 9781371585075 List Price: $20.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue... Enlarged with Variety of Solid Rema... by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695... ISBN: 9781371584375 List Price: $29.95
New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue... Enlarged with Variety of Solid Rema... by Lancelot, Claude 1615?-1695... ISBN: 9781371584337 List Price: $19.95
A New Method of Learning with Facility the Latin Tongue, Vol. 2 of 2: Containing the Rules o... by Lancelot, Claude, Claude La... ISBN: 9781333898090 List Price: $13.57
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