Showing 226 - 250 of 392 Results
Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa: In the Years 1822, 1823... by Denham, Dixon, Clapperton, ... ISBN: 9781341936340 List Price: $29.95
Scientific Meliorism and the Evolution of Happiness (Classic Reprint) by Clapperton, Jane Hume, Jane... ISBN: 9781330296677 List Price: $16.57
Tales of Travels in Central Africa: Including Denham and Clapperton's Expedition, Park's Fir... by Snelling, William Joseph, W... ISBN: 9781330142837 List Price: $9.97
Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa : From the Bight of Benin to Socc... by Lander, Richard, Clapperton... ISBN: 9781295315666 List Price: $36.75
Manifiesto Para Trabajar de Forma Ms Inteligente: Cundo, dnde y cmo trabaja mejor? (Spanish ... by Mr Guy Clapperton, Mr Phili... ISBN: 9781908693181 List Price: $19.99
Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa: In the Years 1822, 1823... by Dixon Denham, Hugh Clapperton ISBN: 9781289905248 List Price: $35.75
Vision of the Future : Based on the Application of Ethical Principles by Clapperton, Jane Hume ISBN: 9781245040037 List Price: $32.75
Second Voyage Dans L'Int�rieur de L'Afrique Depuis le Golfe de B�nin Jusqu'� Sackatou Par le... by Clapperton, Hugh, Lander, R... ISBN: 9781276706513 List Price: $32.75
Earnest Appeal to the British Public on Behalf of the Missing Arctic Expedition by Pim, Bedford Clapperton T. ISBN: 9781161859188 List Price: $30.95
Scientific Meliorism and the Evolution of Happiness by Clapperton, Jane Hume ISBN: 9781116398472 List Price: $28.99
Scientific Meliorism and the Evolution of Happiness by Clapperton, Jane Hume ISBN: 9781116398465 List Price: $30.99
Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa by Clapperton ISBN: 9781116700824 List Price: $25.99
Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa by Clapperton ISBN: 9781116700817 List Price: $26.99
Records of Captain Clapperton's Last Expedition to Africa by Lander, Richard ISBN: 9781144668011 List Price: $31.75
Practical Paper-Making: A Manual for Paper-Makers and Owners and Managers of Paper Mills, to... by Clapperton, George, George ... ISBN: 9781332239870 List Price: $11.97
Practical paper-making by George Clapperton ISBN: 9785518971721 List Price: $49.95
Second Voyage Dans l'Interieur de l'Afrique, Depuis le Golfe de Benin Jusqu'a Sackatou Tome 2 by Clapperton, Hugh, Clapperton-H ISBN: 9782013518147 List Price: $25.95
Second Voyage Dans l'Interieur de l'Afrique, Depuis le Golfe de Benin Jusqu'a Sackatou Tome 1 by Clapperton, Hugh, Clapperton-H ISBN: 9782013518130 List Price: $26.95
Earnest Appeal to the British Public on Behalf of the Missing Arctic Expedition by Pim, Bedford Clapperton Tre... ISBN: 9781154511178 List Price: $14.14
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