Showing 376 - 400 of 2,818 Results
Sir Robert Peel. From His Private Papers. by Parker, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781116175967 List Price: $40.75
Sir Robert Peel. From His Private Papers. by Parker, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781116175974 List Price: $39.75
Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Chevalier by Lang, Andrew ISBN: 9781117174730 List Price: $42.99
The Spanish match: or, Charles Stuart at Madrid by Ainsworth, William Harrison ISBN: 9781117476070 List Price: $30.75
The Spanish match: or, Charles Stuart at Madrid by Ainsworth, William Harrison ISBN: 9781117476063 List Price: $36.99
Life and Letters of Sir James Graham, Second Baronet of Netherby, P.c., G.c.b., 1792-1861 (V... by Parker, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781152850132 List Price: $26.89
A Handbook to the Romish Controversy; Being a Refutation in Detail of the Creed of Pope Pius... by Stanford, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781152856080 List Price: $23.13
Indian Pigeons and Doves by Baker, Edward Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781115602198 List Price: $36.99
Verses and Translations by Calverley, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781116923049 List Price: $28.99
Journal of a Residence in Northern Persia and the Adjacent Provinces of Turkey by Stuart, Charles ISBN: 9781142268312 List Price: $34.75
The Ethics of John Stuart Mill by Douglas, Charles, Mill, Joh... ISBN: 9781142627249 List Price: $33.75
Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, Volume 2 by Cochrane, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781142868048 List Price: $40.75
Lettres Royaux Et Lettres Missives Indites: Nottament De Louis Xi, Louis Xii, Franois Ier, C... by De Casatis, C. Charles Casati ISBN: 9781143041167 List Price: $20.75
Tableau Politique Des Rgnes De Charles II Et De Jacques Ii, Derniers Rois De La Maison De St... by Antoine Jacques Claude Jose... ISBN: 9781143788123 List Price: $30.75
Three Types of Washington Portraits: John Trumbull, Charles Wilson Peale, Gilbert Stuart by Munn, Charles Allen ISBN: 9781143811029 List Price: $21.75
The Lyon in Mourning: Or, a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals, Etc. Relative to the ... by Paton, Henry, Forbes, Robert ISBN: 9781144568236 List Price: $34.75
A Court in Exile; Charles Edward Stuart and the Romance of the Countess D'albanie by Nobili-Vitelleschi, Amy Aug... ISBN: 9781150254048 List Price: $24.02
The Trials of Charles the First; And of Some of the Regicides by Stuart, Great Britain. High... ISBN: 9781150304965 List Price: $22.48
Prince Charles Edward Stuart; The Young Chevalier by Lang, Andrew ISBN: 9781150370328 List Price: $27.83
Memoirs of Bernard Gilpin, Parson of Houghton-Le-Spring and Apostle of the North by Collingwood, Charles Edward... ISBN: 9781150460296 List Price: $24.59
Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia by Cochrane, Charles Stuart ISBN: 9781150563171 List Price: $21.51
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