Showing 101 - 125 of 216 Results
Washington the Soldier by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781357893101 List Price: $29.95
Columbian Selections : American Patriotism. for Home and School by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781358112553 List Price: $28.95
Hour, the peril, the duty: an address delivered at Columbus, Ohio, April 11th and 17th, 1861... by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9781429751896 List Price: $8.99
Washington, the Soldier by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9781358145353 List Price: $29.95
Battles of the American Revolution. 1775-1781. Histotical and military criticism, with topog... by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9781298025012 List Price: $27.99
Washington the Soldier by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781354400067 List Price: $29.95
Battles of the American Revolution: 1775-1781, Historical and Military Criticism, With Topog... by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781330469507 List Price: $23.57
Address of Col. H. B. Carrington, U. S. An;, At Indianapolis, Indiana, June 17, 1869: In Aid... by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781330700136 List Price: $7.97
Ohio Militia and the West Virginia Campaign, 1861: Address of General Carrington, to Army of... by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781331092056 List Price: $7.97
Columbian Selections: American Patriotism, for Home and School (Classic Reprint) by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781331223122 List Price: $16.57
Beacon Lights of Patriotism; Or Historic Incentives to Virtue and Good Citizenship: In Prose... by Carrington, Henry Beebee, H... ISBN: 9781330833193 List Price: $16.57
Crisis Thoughts... by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9781247748429 List Price: $19.75
Ab-Sa-Ra-Ka, Land of Massacre : Being the Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains by Carrington, Margaret Irvin,... ISBN: 9781248408681 List Price: $34.75
Beacon Lights of Patriotism : Or, Historic Incentives to Virtue and Good Citizenship. in Pro... by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781248539514 List Price: $36.75
Columbian Selections; American Patriotism for Home and School by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781151046482 List Price: $29.66
Washington the Soldier by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781144406125 List Price: $40.75
Battles of the American Revolution, 1775-1781: Historical and Military Criticism with Topogr... by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9781498139731 List Price: $71.95
AB-Sa-Ra-Ka, Land of Massacre. Being the Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains. with... by Carrington, Margaret Irvin ... ISBN: 9781348183044 List Price: $27.95
Washington the soldier with illustrations, maps, chronological index, and appendices by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9785518715363 List Price: $44.95
American patriotism by Henry Beebee Carrington ISBN: 9785518625761 List Price: $44.95
Ohio Militia and the West Virginia Campaign 1861 by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9785519308823 List Price: $44.95
Patriotic Reader; or, Human Liberty Developed. in Verse and Prose, from Various Ages, Lands,... by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9781345415162 List Price: $31.95
Beacon Lights of Patriotism or, Historic Incentives to Virtue and Good Citizenship by Carrington, Henry Beebee ISBN: 9785519270861 List Price: $49.95
Battles of the American Revolution, 1775-1781 by Carrington, Henry Beebee 18... ISBN: 9781344007306 List Price: $33.95
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