Showing 26 - 50 of 445 Results
Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts: 1589-1600 by Brewer, John Sherren, Lambe... ISBN: 9781144264213 List Price: $51.75
The Reign of Henry VIII from His Accession to the Death of Wolsey: Reviewed and Illustrated ... by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781143321030 List Price: $45.75
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry Viii: Preserved in the Publi... by Brewer, John Sherren, Great... ISBN: 9781143874277 List Price: $47.75
English Studies: Or, Essays in English History and Literature by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781142659486 List Price: $38.75
The Athanasian Creed Vindicated From the Objections of Dean Stanley and Other Members of the... by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9780217229265 List Price: $20.00
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry Viii: Preserved in the Publi... by Brewer, John Sherren, Great... ISBN: 9781144721372 List Price: $52.75
The Reign of Henry Viii From the Accession to the Death of Wolsey (Volume 2) by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781152701090 List Price: $49.65
The Church History of Britain: From the Birth of Jesus Christ Until the Year 1648, Volume 3 by Fuller, Thomas, Brewer, Joh... ISBN: 9781144587633 List Price: $43.75
Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, Preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth (v. 2)... by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781150208010 List Price: $64.16
The Reign of Henry Viii From His Accession to the Death of Wolsey (1) by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781150631412 List Price: $53.76
Francisci De Verulamio Novum Organum; Sive Indicia Vera De Interpretatione Naturae by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781150772184 List Price: $20.78
What Is Establishment? by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781151656469 List Price: $12.81
The Athanasian Creed Vindicated: From The Objections Of Dean Stanley And Other Members Of Th... by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781104541057 List Price: $35.95
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera: Gemma ecclesiastica / edited by J. S. Brewer by John Sherren Brewer, James ... ISBN: 9781113067081 List Price: $34.99
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera: Gemma ecclesiastica / edited by J. S. Brewer by John Sherren Brewer, James ... ISBN: 9781113067050 List Price: $34.75
The reign of Henry VIII from his accession to the death of Wolsey (v. 2) by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9780217765367 List Price: $32.98
The reign of Henry VIII from his accession to the death of Wolsey by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781458936158 List Price: $32.98
The Athanasian Origin of the Athanasian Creed by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9780217571340 List Price: $16.00
English Studies by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9780217715928 List Price: $13.88
The Endowments and Establishment of the Church of England by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9780217796781 List Price: $19.44
The Church History of Britain by Brewer, John Sherren ISBN: 9781142097295 List Price: $44.75
The Church History of Britain: From the Birth of Jesus Christ Until the Year 1648, Volume 4 by Fuller, Thomas, Brewer, Joh... ISBN: 9781142052775 List Price: $37.75
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry Viii: Preserved in the Publi... by Brewer, John Sherren, Great... ISBN: 9781143415821 List Price: $52.75
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry Viii: Preserved in the Publi... by Brewer, John Sherren, Great... ISBN: 9781143659058 List Price: $48.75
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