Showing 76 - 100 of 1,254 Results
M. Cornelii Frontonis Reliquiae Ab Angelo Maio Primum Editae (1816) by Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, N... ISBN: 9781104215491 List Price: $49.95
Niebuhra by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Bu... ISBN: 9781104299958 List Price: $21.95
Niebuhr's Griechische Heroen-Geschichten by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Bu... ISBN: 9781104336103 List Price: $36.95
The Students' Cabinet Library Of Useful Tracts V3 by Barthold Georg Niebuhr, Sta... ISBN: 9781104395964 List Price: $30.95
The Students' Cabinet Library Of Useful Tracts V3 by Barthold Georg Niebuhr, Sta... ISBN: 9781104442828 List Price: $45.95
The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr and Selections from His Minor Writings, Volu... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781426406607 List Price: $42.99
The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr and Selections from His Minor Writings, Volu... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781426407048 List Price: $38.75
The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr and Selections from His Minor Writings, Volu... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781426407161 List Price: $35.99
Niebuhr's Lectures on Roman History (v. 20) by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781150084430 List Price: $37.11
Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, Comprising Greece and Her Colonies, Epirus, M... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781152566705 List Price: $27.36
Lectures on the History of Rome by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781458831361 List Price: $38.31
Lectures On Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Taking of Alexandria by Octavian... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Vo... ISBN: 9781142235857 List Price: $36.75
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, Volume 28 (Latin Edition) by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Be... ISBN: 9781142703752 List Price: $29.75
Lectures On the History of Rome from the First Punic War to the Death of Constantine. in a S... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781144061508 List Price: $47.75
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, Volume 47 (Latin Edition) by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, De... ISBN: 9781144494603 List Price: $32.75
Reliquiae (Latin Edition) by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Sy... ISBN: 9781143131592 List Price: $33.75
The Life and Letters of Barthold Georg Niebuhr (2); With Essays on His Character and Influence by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781150788871 List Price: $54.01
Lebensnachrichten ber Barthold Georg Niebuhr: Aus Briefen Desselben Und Aus Erinnerungen Ein... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, He... ISBN: 9781142135362 List Price: $40.75
The Life and Letters of Barthold Georg Niebuhr: With Essays On His Character and Influence, ... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Bu... ISBN: 9781142555641 List Price: $44.75
The Life and Letters of Barthold Georg Niebuhr: With Essays On His Character and Influence, ... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Bu... ISBN: 9781142392635 List Price: $43.75
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781115482097 List Price: $37.99
Barthold Georg Niebuhr: Ein Biographischer Versuch (German Edition) by Eyssenhardt, Franz Rudolf ISBN: 9781141185146 List Price: $28.75
The History of Rome by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg ISBN: 9781458879523 List Price: $15.48
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