Showing 26 - 50 of 78 Results
Indian nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpee... by William Joseph Snelling, Wi... ISBN: 9781293236925 List Price: $22.75
Son of the Forest : The Experience of William Apes, a Native of the Forest: Comprising a Not... by Apess, William B. 1798 ISBN: 9781372506772 List Price: $24.95
Son of the Forest. the Experience of William Apes, a Native of the Forest by Apess, William B. 1798 ISBN: 9781371704438 List Price: $14.95
Son of the Forest. the Experience of William Apes, a Native of the Forest by Apess, William B. 1798 ISBN: 9781371704445 List Price: $24.95
Son of the Forest by Apess, William 1798-1839 ISBN: 9781363426201 List Price: $14.95
The experience by William Apess ISBN: 9785519168984 List Price: $49.95
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts, Relative to the Marshpee... by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781331296157 List Price: $9.97
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee ... by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781517500801 List Price: $5.49
Indian nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpee... by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781505232028 List Price: $9.99
Son of the Forest : The Experience of William Apes, a Native of the Forest by Apess, William ISBN: 9781293456477 List Price: $25.75
Marshpee Tribe by Apess, William ISBN: 9781116531480 List Price: $21.99
Marshpee Tribe by Apess, William ISBN: 9781116531497 List Price: $19.99
Eulogy On King Philip: As Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston by Apess, William ISBN: 9781144150301 List Price: $17.75
A son of the forest. The experience of William Apes, a native of the forest by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781533609939 List Price: $7.90
Indian nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative tothe Marshpee ... by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781533610836 List Price: $7.80
Through an Indian's Looking Glass : A Cultural Biography of William Apess, Pequot by Lopenzina, Drew ISBN: 9781625342584 List Price: $90.00
Eulogy on King Philip : As Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston by Apess, William ISBN: 9781340171919 List Price: $21.95
Eulogy on King Philip: As Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston (Classic Reprint) by Apess, William, William Apess ISBN: 9781330745236 List Price: $9.57
Eulogy on King Philip : As Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston by Apess, William ISBN: 9780371286456 List Price: $9.95
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