Showing 1 - 25 of 166 Results
Walter Benjamin and Romanticism by Benjamin, Andrew E., Hansse... ISBN: 9780826460219 List Price: $49.95
The Figural and the Literal: Problems of Language in the History of Science and Philosophy, ... by Benjamin, Andrew E., Cantor... ISBN: 9780719014864 List Price: $59.95
History of the United States, Volume I by Andrews, Benjamin E. ISBN: 9781435392625 List Price: $88.99
Judging Lyotard - Andrew E. Benjamin - Hardcover by Benjamin, Andrew ISBN: 9780415052566
Brief Institutes of General History : Being a companion volume to the author's Brief institu... by Andrews, E[lisha] Benjamin ... ISBN: 9781175483294 List Price: $37.75
History of the United States from the Earliest Discovery of America to the Present Day by Andrews, E. Benjamin ISBN: 9781164384229 List Price: $39.16
History of the Last Quarter-Century in the United States V1, 1870-1895 by Andrews, E. Benjamin ISBN: 9781164405092 List Price: $39.96
Church Unity : Five Lectures Delivered in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, During t... by Shields, Charles Woodruff, ... ISBN: 9781164606079 List Price: $21.56
Church Unity : Five Lectures Delivered in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, During t... by Shields, Charles Woodruff, ... ISBN: 9781164734819 List Price: $33.56
Art, Mimesis and the Avant-Garde Aspects of a Philosophy of Difference by Benjamin, Andrew E. ISBN: 9780415060479 List Price: $124.95
Walter Benjamin And History by Benjamin, Andrew E., Benjamin ISBN: 9780826467461 List Price: $44.95
Virtue in Being : Towards an Ethics of the Unconditioned by Benjamin, Andrew E. ISBN: 9781438461618
History of the United States From the Earliest Discovery of America to the Present Time by Andrews, E. Benjamin ISBN: 9781151163912 List Price: $18.26
Church Unity Five Lectures Delivered in The Union Theological Seminary, New Yourk by Charles, E. Benjamin Andrew... ISBN: 9781110834440 List Price: $20.99
History of the United States from the Earliest Discovery of America to the Present Time by Andrews, E Benjamin, Andrew... ISBN: 9781140226925 List Price: $38.99
History of the United States from the Earliest Discovery of America to the Present Time by Andrews, E Benjamin, Andrew... ISBN: 9781140226932 List Price: $32.75
History of the United States from the earliest discovery of America to the present time by Andrews, E Benjamin, Andrew... ISBN: 9781140234920 List Price: $38.99
History of the United States from the earliest discovery of America to the present time by Andrews, E Benjamin, Andrew... ISBN: 9781140234937 List Price: $34.75
The Call of the Land by Orange Judd, Company, Orang... ISBN: 9781140402633 List Price: $42.99
The Call of the Land by Orange Judd, Company, Orang... ISBN: 9781140402640 List Price: $37.75
History Of The United States, Volume I by Andrews, E. Benjamin ISBN: 9780559081859 List Price: $27.99
History Of The United States, Volume I by Andrews, E. Benjamin ISBN: 9780559081897 List Price: $26.75
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