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Speeches on the American War, and Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol by Burke, Edmund, George, Andr... ISBN: 9781177386906 List Price: $26.75
Shorter Poems of John Milton : Including the two Latin elegies and Italian sonnet to Diodati... by Milton, John, George, Andre... ISBN: 9781177739429 List Price: $31.75
Select Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, G... ISBN: 9781166329426 List Price: $30.36
Coleridge's Principles of Criticism by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, G... ISBN: 9781166982966 List Price: $22.36
Coleridge's Principles of Criticism by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, G... ISBN: 9781167096471 List Price: $34.36
Edmund Burke : Speeches on the American War, and Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol (1891) by Burke, Edmund, George, Andr... ISBN: 9781163972687 List Price: $22.36
United States Military Governors, Including : Andrew Jackson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S... by Hephaestus Books Staff ISBN: 9781242411847 List Price: $25.75
Light from the Spirit World, Or, Revelations from the Spirits: Of George Washington, John We... by Andrew Jackson McBride ISBN: 9781273009020 List Price: $27.75
Der harmonische Mensch oder Gedanken fr unser Zeitalter !: Ins Deutsche bersetzt von Georg M... by Andrew Jackson Davis ISBN: 9780543777140 List Price: $23.99
Tragedy of MacBeth by Shakespeare, William, Henry... ISBN: 9781279627891 List Price: $26.75
Truth the Strength of Freedom : A Discourse on the Duty of a Patriot, with Some Allusions to... by Bethune, George Washington ISBN: 9781286503164 List Price: $15.75
Rural essays. by A. J. Downing. Ed. , with a memoir of the author, by George William Curtis,... by Downing, Andrew Jackson ISBN: 9781418159702 List Price: $39.95
Rural essays. by A. J. Downing. Ed. , with a memoir of the author, by George William Curtis,... by Downing, Andrew Jackson ISBN: 9781418159719 List Price: $39.95
Coleridge's Principles of Criticism : Chapters I. , Iii. , Iv. , Xiv. -xxii of biographia Li... by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, A... ISBN: 9781174992759 List Price: $27.75
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