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Trouv?re : Grand Op?ra en Quatre Actes by 1813-1901, Verdi Giuseppe ISBN: 9781173164935 List Price: $30.75
Jerusalem; Grand Op?ra en Quatre Actes. Po?me de Mm. Alph. Royer et G. Va?z by 1813-1901, Verdi Giuseppe ISBN: 9781173155049 List Price: $29.75
Macbeth : Grand Op?ra en Cinq Actes by 1813-1901, Verdi Giuseppe, ... ISBN: 9781173182182 List Price: $29.75
Erluterungen zu Goethes Werken Volume 28-30 (German Edition) by Düntzer Heinrich 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781172520640 List Price: $31.75
Bank of Faith; or, a Life of Trust by Huntington, William 1745-18... ISBN: 9781354003619 List Price: $25.95
Ile De Jersey: 1813-1834. 1901. 2 P. L., 610 P by Great Britain Privy Council... ISBN: 9781342803504 List Price: $32.95
Discourse Delivered Thanksgiving Day, November 20 1856 : In the First Presbyterian Church, t... by Huntington, E. a. 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781149898215 List Price: $15.75
Les Deux Foscari = (i Due Foscari): Opra En 4 Actes (French Edition) by Verdi Giuseppe 1813-1901, E... ISBN: 9781247565262 List Price: $23.75
La Traviata: Opera In Three Acts (Italian Edition) by Verdi Giuseppe 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781247583686 List Price: $26.75
Ile de Jersey : 1813-1834. 1901. 2 P. L. , 610 P by Great Britain Privy Council... ISBN: 9781344931649 List Price: $32.95
Broken Bud : Or, Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother by Lander, Meta 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781360745091 List Price: $26.95
Complete Works of the Hon. Job Durfee, LL. D. , Late Chief Justice of Rhode-Island : With a ... by Durfee, Job 1790-1847 (Clas... ISBN: 9781360789835 List Price: $30.95
Christian Faith Concerning the Holy Trinity : Together with the Just Consequences of This Su... by Crayford, Robert, Barnes, W... ISBN: 9781360854694 List Price: $24.95
De Versu, Quem Vocant, Saturnio by Duntzer, Heinrich 1813-1901... ISBN: 9781361808559 List Price: $21.95
Die Chroniken der Mittelrheinischen Stadte. Mainz. Hrsg. Durch Die Historische Kommission Be... by Bayerische Akademie Der Wis... ISBN: 9781361849064 List Price: $29.95
Die Chroniken der Mittelrheinischen Stadte. Mainz. Hrsg. Durch Die Historische Kommission Be... by Bayerische Akademie Der Wis... ISBN: 9781361849057 List Price: $20.95
Die Chroniken der Niederrheinischen Stadte. Coln. Hrsg. Durch Die Historische Commission Bei... by Hegel, Karl von 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781361850664 List Price: $21.95
Die Chroniken der Niederrheinischen Stadte. Coln. Hrsg. Durch Die Historische Commission Bei... by Hegel, Karl von 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781361850688 List Price: $30.95
Suicidio de Alejo : Zarzuela en un Acto y en Verso by Verdi, Giuseppe 1813-1901, ... ISBN: 9781362096719 List Price: $19.95
Fading Flowers by Lander, Meta 1813-1901 Ed ISBN: 9781362090427 List Price: $26.95
Short History of American Presbyterianism from Its Foundations to the Reunion Of 1869 by McGill, Alexander T. (Alexa... ISBN: 9781373866608 List Price: $24.95
Mission of Black Rifle : Or, on the Trail by Kellogg, Elijah 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781373914262 List Price: $26.95
West Indies : Their Social and Religious Condition by Underhill, Edward Bean 1813... ISBN: 9781374539549 List Price: $29.95
Memoirs of the Four Decades of York, Upper Canada [microform] by Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 ISBN: 9781013702587 List Price: $14.95
Journal Written by Edward Baker Littlehales (major of Brigade, etc. ) of an Exploratory Tour... by Littlehales, Edward Baker D... ISBN: 9781013741432 List Price: $11.95
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