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Saint John de Crevecoeur, Sa Vie Et Ses Ouvrages (1735-1813) (Ed.1883) (French Edition) by De Crevecoeur R., Robert De... ISBN: 9782012768598 List Price: $29.95
Eliot Papers: John Eliot of London, Merchant, 1735-1813 by Howard, Eliot ISBN: 9780548327128 List Price: $27.95
Freemasonry in North Carolina, 1735-1813 by Tatsch, J. Hugo ISBN: 9781425313814 List Price: $15.95
History of the town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 to 1876; including Grafton until 173... by William Addison Benedict, H... ISBN: 9781172785001 List Price: $58.75
Eliot Papers : John Eliot of London, Merchant, 1735-1813 by Howard, Eliot ISBN: 9781169307933 List Price: $34.36
Eliot Papers : John Eliot of London, Merchant, 1735-1813 by Howard, Eliot ISBN: 9781163607015 List Price: $22.36
Saint John de Cr�vecoeur : Sa vie et ses Ouvrages (1735-1813) by Cr�vecur, Robert St. John De ISBN: 9781245611541 List Price: $36.75
History of the Town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 To 1876 : Including Grafton until 17... by Benedict, William Addison ISBN: 9781462285648 List Price: $59.99
History of the Town of Sutton, Massachusetts, From 1704 to 1876; Including Grafton Until 173... by William Addison Benedict, H... ISBN: 9781343824577 List Price: $33.95
History of the Town of Sutton, Massachusetts, From 1704 to 1876: Including Grafton Until 173... by William Addison Benedict ISBN: 9781298526823 List Price: $33.95
A Short Sketch of Temporary Regulations (Until Better Shall Be Proposed): For the Intended S... by Sharp Granville 1735-1813 ISBN: 9781355391722 List Price: $24.95
A Representation of the Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery, or of Admitt... by Sharp Granville 1735-1813 ISBN: 9781355392651 List Price: $23.95
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, Ou Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux Extraits de L... by Moysant, Francois 1735-1813... ISBN: 9781360570303 List Price: $24.95
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, Ou Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux Extraits de L... by Moysant, Francois 1735-1813... ISBN: 9781360570310 List Price: $33.95
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, Ou Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux Extraits de L... by Moysant, Francois 1735-1813... ISBN: 9781360570242 List Price: $24.95
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, Ou Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux Extraits de L... by Moysant, Francois 1735-1813... ISBN: 9781360570259 List Price: $33.95
Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois, Ou Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux Extraits de L... by Moysant, Francois 1735-1813... ISBN: 9781360570426 List Price: $25.95
Letters from an American Farmer [Microform] by St John, J. Hector 1735-1813 ISBN: 9781361133835 List Price: $17.95
General Plan for Laying Out Towns and Townships, on the New-Acquired Lands in the East Indie... by Sharp, Granville 1735-1813 ISBN: 9781362337324 List Price: $19.95
General Plan for Laying Out Towns and Townships, on the New-Acquired Lands in the East Indie... by Sharp, Granville 1735-1813 ISBN: 9781362337300 List Price: $9.95
Geschiedenis Van America; 4 by Robertson, William 1721-179... ISBN: 9781362397847 List Price: $28.95
Geschiedenis Van America; 4 by Robertson, William 1721-179... ISBN: 9781362397830 List Price: $18.95
Gillingwater's History of Lowestoft : A Reprint: with a Chapter of More Recent Events by A. ... by Gillingwater, Edmund 1735?-... ISBN: 9781362420934 List Price: $24.95
Gillingwater's History of Lowestoft : A Reprint: with a Chapter of More Recent Events by A. ... by Gillingwater, Edmund 1735?-... ISBN: 9781362420910 List Price: $14.95
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