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Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements Considered by Campbell, Baron John Cam, C... ISBN: 9781141075331 List Price: $21.75
Memorials of a Residence on the Continent, and Historical Poems by Houghton, Baron Richard, Ho... ISBN: 9781141110636 List Price: $22.75
Old English Baron : A Gothic Story by Reeve, Clara ISBN: 9781141334858 List Price: $26.75
Some Remarks on the Apparent Circumstances of the War in the Fourth Week of October 1795 by Auckland, Baron William Eden ISBN: 9781141326853 List Price: $17.75
Review of Hume and Huxley on Miracles by Grimthorpe, Baron Edmund B,... ISBN: 9781141127580 List Price: $17.75
England and the English by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer... ISBN: 9781141213825 List Price: $25.75
Précis Historique des Opérations Géodésiques et Astronomiques : Faites en Hollande; Pour Ser... by Krayenhoff, Baron Cornelis ... ISBN: 9781141223305 List Price: $25.75
Ernest Maltravers by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer... ISBN: 9781141257973 List Price: $24.75
Macaulay's Essays on Milton and Addison by Macaulay, Baron Thomas Babi... ISBN: 9781141349708 List Price: $26.75
Anguis in Herba; or, the Fatal Consequences of a Treaty with France by Somers, Baron John Somers, ... ISBN: 9781141431076 List Price: $17.75
Not So Bad As We Seem, or, Many Sides to a Character : A Comedy in Five Acts by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer... ISBN: 9781141437832 List Price: $21.75
Colombe : Messagère Plus Rapide Que L'Éclair, Plus Prompte Que la Nue by De Sacy, Baron Antoine Isaa... ISBN: 9781141454167 List Price: $19.75
New Timon : A Romance of London by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer... ISBN: 9781141505586 List Price: $24.75
Letters of the Late Lord Lyttleton by Combe, William, Lyttelton, ... ISBN: 9781141525683 List Price: $26.75
Aperçu de la Langue des Îles Marquises et de la Langue Taïtienne Accompagné D'un Vocabulaire... by Buschmann, Johann Carl E. ISBN: 9781141572441 List Price: $24.75
Dialogues on Instinct : With Analytical View of the Researches on Fossil Osteology by Brougham And Vaux, Baron He... ISBN: 9781141556397 List Price: $27.75
In the Days of the Dandies by Baron Alexander Dundas Ross... ISBN: 9781141798667 List Price: $20.75
Observations Occasioned by a Pamphlet : Entitled, Objections to the Project of Creating a Vi... by Redesdale, Baron John Mitford ISBN: 9781141795970 List Price: $17.75
Baron's Little Daughter, and Other Tales, by the Author of 'the Lord of the Forest and His V... by Alexander, Cecil Frances ISBN: 9781141811564 List Price: $26.75
Caxtons : A Family Picture, Volume 1 by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer... ISBN: 9781141889181 List Price: $32.75
Mémoires Sur Molière et Sur Mme Guérin, Sa Veuve : Suivis des Mémoires Sur Baron et Sur Mlle... by Molière, Boudin, La Fontain... ISBN: 9781141888887 List Price: $34.75
Speeches of Lord Erskine : While at the Bar, Volume 1 by Erskine, Baron Thomas Erski... ISBN: 9781141880270 List Price: $39.75
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