Limnology Textbooks

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Results 1 - 36 of 36 for Limnology Textbooks
Introduction to Limnology by Dodson, Stanley I. ISBN: 9780072879353
Limnological Analysis by Wetzel, Robert G., Likens, ... ISBN: 9780387989280 List Price: $89.95
Biology of Freshwater Pollution by Mason, Christopher ISBN: 9780130906397 List Price: $74.20
Long-Term Changes in Coastal Benthic Communities by Heip, C. H., Keegan, B. F.,... ISBN: 9789061936374 List Price: $304.00
Limnology by Goldman, Charles R., Horne,... ISBN: 9780070236516 List Price: $66.20
Limnology by Wetzel, Robert G. ISBN: 9780030579134 List Price: $90.50
Biology of Freshwater Pollution by Mason, C. F. ISBN: 9780582247321 List Price: $45.00
Textbook of Limnology by Cole, Gerald A. ISBN: 9780881333787 List Price: $33.95
Eutrophication and Land Use by Lewis, W. M., Jr., Saunders... ISBN: 9780387909615 List Price: $100.00
Advances in Morphometrics by Marcus, Leslie F., Corti, M... ISBN: 9780306453014 List Price: $339.00
Restoration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems Proceedings of a Special Water Quality Sessio... by Brocksen, R. W., Wisniewski... ISBN: 9780792301110 List Price: $299.00
Control of Eutrophication in Inland Waters (Ellis Horwood Series in Water and Wastewater Tec... by Klapper, Helmut, Zablocka, ... ISBN: 9780131748309 List Price: $105.50
Aquatic Oligochaeta by Brinkhurst, R. O., Diaz, R. J. ISBN: 9789061936411 List Price: $350.00
Fresh-Water Mermithids of Estonia by Rubzov, I. A. ISBN: 9788170870227 List Price: $25.50
Diatoms and Lake Acidity Reconstructing Ph from Siliceous Algal Remains in Lake Sediments by Battarbee, R. W., Davis, R.... ISBN: 9789061935360 List Price: $309.00
Paleolimnology of European Maar Lakes - Jorg F. W. Negendank - Paperback by Negendank, Jorg F., Zolitsc... ISBN: 9780387565705 List Price: $149.00
Eutrophication in Europe¬s Coastal Waters by Aertebjerg, Gunni, Kunitzle... ISBN: 9780756733148 List Price: $50.00
Handbook of Limnology and Water Pollution With Practical Methodology by Das, S. M. ISBN: 9788170030973 List Price: $27.50
High Latitude Limnology by Vincent, W. F., Ellis-Evans... ISBN: 9789061936602 List Price: $309.00
Aquatic Oligochaeta Proceedings by Bonomi, G., Erseus, C. ISBN: 9789061937753 List Price: $230.00
Biology of Meiofauna by Heip, C. H. ISBN: 9789061935131 List Price: $149.00
International Workshop on Gelidium Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gelidium Hel... by Juanes, J. A., Santelices, ... ISBN: 9780792313724 List Price: $209.00
Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs by Ryding, Sven-Olof, Rast, W. ISBN: 9780521363747
Handbook of Limnology by Schwoerbel, Jurgen ISBN: 9780785501022
Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences and Control : Volume 2 by Ansari, Abid A., Gill, Sarv... ISBN: 9789402407723 List Price: $129.00
Protomycetaceae of Switzerland : Life History and Biology by Von Buren, Gunther ISBN: 9788170870074
Hand Book of Limnology by Schwoerbel, Jurgen ISBN: 9788172330026
Eutrophication Processes in Coastal Systems : Origin and Succession of Plankton Blooms and E... by Livingston, Robert J. ISBN: 9781420036626 List Price: $157.95
Lakes Handbook, Volume 2 : Lake Restoration and Rehabilitation by Reynolds, C. S., O'Sullivan... ISBN: 9780470750506 List Price: $379.00
Rivers of Cumbria by Pipe, Beth & Steve ISBN: 9781398101159
River Ecology : Science and Management for a Changing World by Mallin, Michael A. ISBN: 9780199549528 List Price: $50.00
River Ecology : Science and Management for a Changing World by Mallin, Michael A. ISBN: 9780199549511 List Price: $130.00
Eutrophication : Causes, Mechanisms and Ecological Effects by Howell, Frederick ISBN: 9781536121735
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