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What's the first thing you think of when it comes to poetry? You may have a certain style you like, or perhaps you veer towards poems from a specific part of the world. If you like Asian poetry, you have the chance to buy Asian textbooks online right now that contain some of the finest poems ever written. The likes of Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal are here, along with Nine Indian Women Poets: An Anthology. Elsewhere in our collection you will find Uncollected Poems and Prose, not to mention Study of Stolen Love: A Translation of Kalaviyal Enra Iraiyanar Akapporul with Commentary. Whichever books you are looking to buy or rent, securing Asian textbooks online is the best way to obtain them for affordable prices. With impressive discounts as well, why would you even think of going somewhere else to buy or rent what you need?

Results 1 - 39 of 39 for Asian Textbooks
Singing to the Goddess Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal by McDermott, Rachell Fell ISBN: 9780195134346 List Price: $50.00
Mother of My Heart, Daughter of My Dreams Kali and Uma in the Devotional Poetry of Bengal by McDermott, Rachel Fell ISBN: 9780195134353 List Price: $111.00
Antal+her Path of Love by Dehejia, Vidya ISBN: 9780791403969 List Price: $29.95
Scent of Sandalwood Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics by Esmail, Aziz ISBN: 9780700717675 List Price: $125.00
Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi by Nicholson, Reynold A., Rumi... ISBN: 9780906094273 List Price: $87.00
Study of Stolen Love A Translation of Kalaviyal Enra Iraiyanar Akapporul With Commentary by Buck, David C., Paramasivam... ISBN: 9780788503320 List Price: $50.00
Indian Poetry in English Today by Nandy, Pritish ISBN: 9780882533124 List Price: $2.95
Di Serambi on the Verandah A Bilingual Anthology of Modern Indonesian Poetry by Brown, Iem, Davis, Joan ISBN: 9780521472029 List Price: $69.00
Modern Indian Poetry in English (Oxford India Paperbacks) by King, Bruce ISBN: 9780195630138 List Price: $9.95
Uncollected Poems and Prose by Ramanujan, A. K., Daniels-R... ISBN: 9780195656312 List Price: $35.00
Waiting for the Unicorn Poems and Lyrics of China's Last Dynasty, 1644-1911 by Lo, Irving Y., Schultz, Wil... ISBN: 9780253363213 List Price: $37.95
Modern Indian Poetry in English by King, Bruce ISBN: 9780195619591 List Price: $29.95
Modern Indian Poetry in English by King, Bruce ISBN: 9780195656169 List Price: $55.00
Oxford Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry by Dharwadker, Vinay, Ramanuja... ISBN: 9780195628654 List Price: $19.95
Shijo Poet at the Court by O'ROURKE ISBN: 9781138981836
Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance by Chen, Li-Li, Hannan, Patric... ISBN: 9780521208710 List Price: $49.50
Poet's Anthology The Range of Japanese Poetry by Fitzsimmons, Thomas, Beichm... ISBN: 9780942668377 List Price: $30.00
Gems of Chinese Poetry by Zuxin, Ding, Raffel, Burton ISBN: 9780208021656 List Price: $27.50
Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry by Gokak, V. Krishna ISBN: 9780836424645 List Price: $11.50
Modern Chinese Poetry: An Anthology, 1917-1949 by Fung, M. M., Wong, K. C., W... ISBN: 9780856561061
Nine Indian Women Poets: An Anthology by de Souza, Eunice ISBN: 9780195640779 List Price: $12.95
Singing of Birth and Death: Texts in Performance by Blackburn, Stuart H. ISBN: 9780812280975 List Price: $41.95
Homely Touch : Folk Poetry of Old India by Roberts, John T. ISBN: 9780939214334 List Price: $7.95
Modern Chinese Poetry : An Anthology, 1917-1949 by Fung, M. M., Wong, K. C., W... ISBN: 9780856560989
First Person, Second Person : A Selection of Poems from the Work of "Agyeya" by Vatsyayan, Sachchidananda, ... ISBN: 9780819131195
Chinese Poetry by Sung, Marina H. ISBN: 9780963035400
Poets of Angola : A Bilingual Section by Williams, Frederick ISBN: 9781938896774 List Price: $29.99
Modern Hindi Poetry : An Anthology by Misra, Vidyaniwas ISBN: 9788170232995
Shadow of a Bird in Flight : A Collection of Persian Verses by Faruqi, Shamsur R. ISBN: 9788171671953
Poems from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore by Gooneratne, Yasmine ISBN: 9780435002190 List Price: $5.00
Unicorn and the Dancing Girl : Poems of Faiz Almed Faiz, with Original Text by Hasan, Khalid, Kamal, Daud ISBN: 9780836423600
Latam : Cikapput Tatankal by Palaivana Lantar ISBN: 9789387499225
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