Notation Textbooks
Browse New & Used Notation Textbooks
If you are learning about various areas of dance as part of your performing arts course, you will be pleased to discover you can buy cheap notation textbooks. Notation is a very important area and these books reveal more about it in depth. To give you an idea, the titles include Labanotation: The System of Analyzing and Recording Movement; Elementary Labanotation: A Study Guide; Principles of Dance and Movement; and Ten Folk Dances in Labanotation. As you can see this aspect of dancing applies in more than one area, so you'll save money when you buy used notation textbooks from us. We have a wide range of affordable and pre-owned text books for college students just like you - contact us now for the best deals. Look for the books you need and sell back any you have outgrown. It's the best way to ensure you save as much money on pre-owned books while getting rid of older ones.