Blasphemy, Heresy & Apostasy Textbooks

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Results 1 - 30 of 30 for Blasphemy, Heresy & Apostasy Textbooks
Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe Documents in Translation by Peters, Edward ISBN: 9780812211030 List Price: $28.95
Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics by Clifton, Chas S. ISBN: 9780874366006 List Price: $50.00
Spinoza and Other Heretics The Marrano of Reason by Yovel, Yirmiyahu ISBN: 9780691020785 List Price: $27.95
Devil's World Heresy And Society 1100-1300 by Roach, Andrew ISBN: 9780582279605 List Price: $45.80
The Great Heresies by Belloc, Hilaire ISBN: 9780937495124 List Price: $8.95
Biblical Blaspheming : Trials of the Sacred for a Secular Age by Sherwood, Yvonne ISBN: 9781107436046 List Price: $39.99
Dissent+order in the Middle Ages by Russell, J. B. ISBN: 9780805786286 List Price: $14.95
The Photian Schism by Dvornik, F. ISBN: 9780521077705
Pelagius: A Reluctant Heretic by Rees, B. R. ISBN: 9780851155036 List Price: $70.00
Spinoza and Other Heretics The Adventures of Immanence by Yovel, Yirmiyahu ISBN: 9780691020792 List Price: $27.95
Heresy and Hussites in Late Medieval Europe by Fudge, Thomas A. ISBN: 9781472429339 List Price: $165.00
Pelagius: A Reluctant Heretic by Rees, B. R. ISBN: 9780851152943 List Price: $25.00
Blasphemy by Lawton, David ISBN: 9780812232196 List Price: $42.50
Inquisitor's Guide A Medieval Manual on Heretics by Gui, Bernard ISBN: 9781905043095 List Price: $31.95
Heresy and Inquisition France, 1200-1300 by Arnold ISBN: 9780719081323
Heresy and Inquisition France, 1200-1300 by Arnold, John H., Biller, Peter ISBN: 9780719081316
Maledicta, 1977 G Legman Festschrift by Aman, Reinhold ISBN: 9780916500504 List Price: $25.00
Heretical Wisdom The Truths from Within by Petti, Matthew August ISBN: 9780738825489 List Price: $21.99
Interpretation As Heresy by Brynmill Press Limited Staff ISBN: 9780907839149 List Price: $30.00
Great Heresies by Belloc, Hilaire ISBN: 9780937495117 List Price: $13.95
Brief History of Heresy by Evans, G. R. ISBN: 9780470776049 List Price: $113.95
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 - Browse More Blasphemy, Heresy & Apostasy Textbooks for Sale