State, Provincial & Municipal Textbooks

Browse New & Used State, Provincial & Municipal Textbooks

Would you ever buy brand new books for college? If you do, it's a practice you can now put a stop to. Buy cheap state, provincial and municipal textbooks relating to government and the law today and find out everything you should know about this topic. Law is a convoluted topic to be sure, but there is no need to get confused when it comes to finding your ideal textbooks. Make sure you buy state, provincial and municipal textbooks online from our website today so you can enjoy the cheapest deals on college text books relating to this area of the law. Governmental book related topics can be heavy reading, but as you'll see we have all kinds of pre-owned books for your needs here. Everything from the basic introductions to more involved books - at Valore Books you can get everything you need to be a success at college.

Results 1 - 8 of 8 for State, Provincial & Municipal Textbooks
Civil Liability in Criminal Justice, Fifth Edition by Ross, Darrell L. ISBN: 9781422461396 List Price: $41.95
Fire Service Law by Bennett, Lawrence T. ISBN: 9780131552883 List Price: $53.33
Law in the Fire Service by Schneid, Thomas ISBN: 9780763733582 List Price: $65.00
Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge 2002 by University of Cambridge Staff ISBN: 9780521005432 List Price: $70.00
Northwest Ordinance Essays on Its Formulation, Provisions, and Legacy by Williams, Federick D. ISBN: 9780870132629 List Price: $17.95
Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge 2001 by University of Cambridge Staff ISBN: 9780521788311 List Price: $75.00
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 - Browse More State, Provincial & Municipal Textbooks for Sale