Customary Textbooks
Browse New & Used Customary Textbooks
Traditions and customs have a place in law just as they have a place in other areas of our lives. Buy cheap customary textbooks from our marketplace now and get the chance to save huge percentages on the prices you'll actually pay. These can be vastly different - and much cheaper - than the usual cover prices. Look for Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity in Law; Concise History of the Common Law; Litigants and Households: African Disputes and Colonial Courts in the French Soudan, 1895-1912; and Colonizing Hawaiâi: The Cultural Power of Law. With these and many other discounted books available on the subject, it's simple to save money when you use our website instead of going elsewhere. Sell your customary books back when you are finished with them or hang onto them - it's your choice. At least you know you can sell back if you want to, clearing the way to buy more from us in the future.