Religious & Liturgical Textbooks

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From All Silver and No Brass: An Irish Christmas Mumming, to The Wakefield Mystery Plays, we have a wide range of text books that will appeal to drama students at college today. You can buy cheap religious liturgical textbooks from us now and get the cheapest options whenever you do so. We buy back religious liturgical books quite often, so you are likely to find new additions to our marketplace whenever you pay us a visit. Make sure you have the chance to get the discounted deals you would really like, thanks to our ability to use our buyback service to bring in even more in the way of affordable books. No matter which books you need to help you with your drama studies, you can get the best offers from our website today. We provide discounted prices that can slash as much as 99% off the usual price, so you can enjoy making your cash go further.

Results 1 - 14 of 14 for Religious & Liturgical Textbooks
Wakefield Mystery Plays by Rose, Martial ISBN: 9780393004830 List Price: $10.50
Die Kammer der Andacht by Hense, E. ISBN: 9789042919662
Cupid, Satyr and the Golden Age Pastoral Dramatic Scenes of the Late Renaissance by Niccoli, Gabriel ISBN: 9780820407838 List Price: $36.95
Chester Plays by Matthews, J. ISBN: 9780197225585 List Price: $16.95
Jesuit Theater of Jacob Masen Three Plays in Translation With an Introduction by Halbig, Michael C. ISBN: 9780820401096 List Price: $40.50
St Gall Passion Play by Macardle, Peter ISBN: 9789042023468 List Price: $33.00
Ludus De Decem Virginibus Recovery of the Sung Luturgical Core of the Thuringian Zehnjungfra... by Amstutz, Renate, Pontifical... ISBN: 9780888441409 List Price: $89.95
Mystery and Morality by King, Neil ISBN: 9780785543480
Youth! Praise 3 - Jesus Is the Rock by Say So, Whitler, Celia ISBN: 9780687017591 List Price: $3.00
Youth! Praise 3 - Jesus Is the Rock by Say So, Whitler, Celia ISBN: 9780687017584 List Price: $2.00
Original Identity of the York and Towneley Cycles by Lyle, Marie Caroline ISBN: 9780598543257 List Price: $37.20
Lost and Found : A Musical Story Based on the Parables of the Lost Coin, the Lost Sheep, and... by Butler-Moore, Nylea L. ISBN: 9780687065141 List Price: $8.00
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 - Browse More Religious & Liturgical Textbooks for Sale