African Textbooks

Browse New & Used African Textbooks

Are you eager to buy cheap African textbooks instead of buying brand new ones at top prices? No college budget can stretch indefinitely, and this is why we have worked hard to provide you with as many discounted books as possible. These pre-owned books include Afrique; South African People's Plays; Come to Laugh: African Traditional Theater in Ghana; and Veronica My Daughter and Other Onitsha Market Play and Stories. When you want to save money it makes sense to consider the idea to rent used African textbooks as well. This option isn't always available but it does give you another alternative to consider if you want to. When you get the very best deals from our website you can make sure you enjoy them on a daily basis. Be rewarded for your studies and your ability to save money by getting affordable deals from our website today. Where will you begin?

Results 1 - 13 of 13 for African Textbooks
Short African Plays by Pieterse, Cosmo ISBN: 9780435900786 List Price: $5.00
Veronica My Daughter and Other Onitsha Market Play and Stories by Ogali, Ogali A., Sander, Re... ISBN: 9780914478614 List Price: $25.00
Obasai and Other Plays by Maddy, Yulisa A. ISBN: 9780435900892 List Price: $6.50
Sudden Return by Owusu, Martin ISBN: 9780435901387 List Price: $6.00
African Plays for Playing by Etherton, Michael ISBN: 9780435901653 List Price: $5.50
African Theatre by Henderson, Gwyneth ISBN: 9780435901349 List Price: $7.00
South African People's Plays by Kavanagh, Robert M. ISBN: 9780435902247 List Price: $7.50
Ten One-Act Plays by Pieterse, Cosmo ISBN: 9780435900342 List Price: $8.95
Nine African Plays for Radio by Henderson, Gwyneth, Pieters... ISBN: 9780435901271 List Price: $7.00
African Plays for Playing, Vol. 2 by Etherton, Michael ISBN: 9780435901790 List Price: $7.00
Come to Laugh: African Traditional Theatre in Ghana by Bame, Kwabena N. ISBN: 9780936508085 List Price: $6.95
Afrique by Unknown ISBN: 9780913745243
Come to Laugh : A Study of African Traditional Theatre in Ghana by Bame, Kwabena N. ISBN: 9780936508078 List Price: $17.95
Showing 1 - 13 of 13 - Browse More African Textbooks for Sale