Leatherwork Textbooks

Browse New & Used Leatherwork Textbooks

Search for affordable deals on books relating to this topic today. Buy used leatherwork textbooks now and discover the history and development of this particular type of craft. Our book collection often includes the likes of Tanning Chemistry: The Science of Leather; Saddles; Horses and Saddlery of the British Army; and Stitch by Stitch: A Guide to Equine Saddles. As you can see there are plenty of great titles to look for here. You can save plenty of money too, since we offer discounted prices as high as 99% off the usual price. If you want to save money and buy cheap leatherwork textbooks you are in the best place to make it happen. We buy back leatherwork books too, so if you are searching for a buyer we'll stand up for the job. Valore Books is here to help all American students get the books they need, so come to us today.

Results 1 - 9 of 9 for Leatherwork Textbooks
Tanning Chemistry: The Science of Leather by Covington, Anthony, Covingt... ISBN: 9780854041701 List Price: $149.00
Saddle In Theory and Practice by Edwards, Elwyn H. ISBN: 9780851315263 List Price: $40.00
Running a Tack Shop As a Business by Macdonald, Janet W. ISBN: 9780851314259 List Price: $6.95
Stitch by Stitch a Guide to Equine Saddles by Tuke, Diana R. ISBN: 9780851310497 List Price: $19.95
Bitting by Edwards, Elwyn Hartley ISBN: 9780851315270
Horses and Saddlery of the British Army by Tylden, Major G. ISBN: 9780851310831
Saddles by Beattie, Russel H. ISBN: 9780851313658 List Price: $76.50
Making a Saddle by CoSIRA Staff ISBN: 9780785511656 List Price: $69.00
Art of Tanning Leather by Kennedy, David H. ISBN: 9780598711182 List Price: $93.00
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 - Browse More Leatherwork Textbooks for Sale