Digital Textbooks

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Are you studying art at college? If you are, you may be interested to know you can buy cheap digital textbooks that reveal more about this particular area of art. For example, you can look out for titles including The Art of Digital Media, Apparition: Holographic Art in Australia, A Philosophy of Computer Art and Visions of the Future: Art, Technology and Computing in the Twenty First Century. You'll see some of the text books we have are offered on a rental basis as well, meaning you can rent used digital textbooks from us. Check each individual book to find out the options in that case. You can look for affordable solutions and the cheapest deals in each case, letting you find discounted options that will save you money. Our buyback facility also enables you to sell back digital textbooks later on, so don't forget we can help in this way as well.

Results 1 - 23 of 23 for Digital Textbooks
The Art of Digital Media by Wong, Yue-Ling ISBN: 9780131757035 List Price: $101.00
A Philosophy of Computer Art by Lopes, Dominic ISBN: 9780415547628 List Price: $39.95
In the Realm of the Circuit Computers, Art and Culture by Traub, Charles H., Lipkin, ... ISBN: 9780130936745 List Price: $88.00
Type Companion for the Digital Artist by Against the Clock, Inc. Staff ISBN: 9780130409935 List Price: $46.67
Computers in Art, Design and Animation by Lansdown, J., Earnshaw, Rae A. ISBN: 9780387968964 List Price: $139.00
Apparition : Holographic Art in Australia by Coyle, Rebecca, Hayward, Ph... ISBN: 9780909952273
KidPix Studio Classroom Activities by Unknown ISBN: 9781930174221 List Price: $29.95
Digital Design Basics by Arntson, Amy E. ISBN: 9780155059665
Digital Art and Animation by Mitra, Ananda ISBN: 9780816067831 List Price: $40.00
Dorothee Golz - Digital Paintings by Golz, Dorothee, Klaudius, P... ISBN: 9783869840659
Digital Art : A History by Lambert, Nicholas ISBN: 9781848858589
Digital Art Masters by (Firm) Staff ISBN: 9781138417816 List Price: $195.00
Digital Painting in Photoshop by Bloom, Susan Ruddick ISBN: 9781138430761 List Price: $195.00
How to Cheat in 3ds Max 201X: Get Spectacular Results Fast : Get Spectacular Results Fast by McCarthy, Michael ISBN: 9781315228426 List Price: $59.95
Trust Boundary : Deutsch/Englisch) by Andrew, Gretchen ISBN: 9783954764433
NFT Book : Everything You Need to Know about the Art and Collecting of Non-Fungible Tokens by Charney, Noah, Schachter, K... ISBN: 9781538174753 List Price: $37.00
Painter X Creativity : Digital Artist's Handbook by Sutton, Jeremy ISBN: 9781138372108
Digital Art Masters by (Firm) Staff ISBN: 9781138417793 List Price: $195.00
Digital Collage and Painting : Using Photoshop and Painter to Create Fine Art by Bloom, Susan Ruddick ISBN: 9781138417847 List Price: $195.00
Professional Manga : Digital Storytelling with Manga Studio EX by Horton, Steve, Yang, Jeong Mo ISBN: 9781138403260 List Price: $195.00
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