Care & Restoration Textbooks

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Restoring antiques and other older collectible items is an essential skill, albeit a measured one. Here you can learn more when you buy used care and restoration textbooks that solve the problem. You might even have a chance to rent cheap care and restoration textbooks if you only want to read them to learn more before returning them. Whenever you have the need to get used text books such as these, get them in pre-owned condition from our collection. We have a great range of informative titles including Conservation Science Heritage Materials; not to mention Training in Conservation: A Symposium on the Occasion of the Dedication of the Stephen Chan House. With more books coming in via our buyback facility as well, we are without doubt the number one source of affordable text books for college students across the country. Choose us when you want the cheapest deals and the best offers for your money.

Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Care & Restoration Textbooks
Conservation Science Heritage Materials by May, Eric, Jones, M. ISBN: 9780854046591 List Price: $79.95
Guide to Environmental Protection Of... by Appelbaum, Barbara ISBN: 9780932087164 List Price: $39.00
Frans Hals : Iconography - Technique - Reputation by Middelkoop, Norbert, Ekkart... ISBN: 9789048566068
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