Art Textbooks

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Most people realize that artwork is collectible in one way or another. Famous works of art can cost millions if not more, but it is not just these works of art that are worth looking at more closely. Buy cheap art textbooks from our collection today and explore the world in more detail. Look for a range of titles including Directory of Fine Art Representatives and Corporations Collecting Art; They Know Who They Are; Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market; and Kings and Connoisseurs: Collecting Art in Seventeenth Century Europe. Our pre-owned text books stretch from centuries ago to modern day, and explore all aspects of this market. Make sure you have the cheapest shot at getting the text books you want and consider the option to rent art textbooks online here as well. It's often the best way to get all the books you need.

Results 1 - 12 of 12 for Art Textbooks
They Know Who They Are by Larsen, Mike, Larsen, Martha ISBN: 9780979785849
Warren Brandt: A Retrospective by Henry, Gerrit, Beesch, Ruth K. ISBN: 9780962754135 List Price: $15.00
Introducing RAM: The building and collections by Pepich, Bruce W., Taragin, ... ISBN: 9780972832601 List Price: $15.95
Kings & Connoisseurs Collecting Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe by Brown, Jonathan ISBN: 9780691044972 List Price: $80.00
Collecting and Dynastic Ambition by Bracken, Susan, G�ldy, Andr... ISBN: 9781443814010
Sotheby's Price Guide : Antiques and Collectibles, 1987-1988 by Marion, John L. ISBN: 9780317550122 List Price: $35.00
Photographic Art Market : Auction Prices, 1995 by Persky, Robert S. ISBN: 9780913069523 List Price: $69.95
Art Sales : From Early in the 18th Century to Early in the 20th Century by Graves, Algernon ISBN: 9780317549393 List Price: $50.00
Yes Yes We're Magicians by Samson, Jonah ISBN: 9781927958865
New American Giver : Proceedings of the Symposium by Stull, Martin G. ISBN: 9780962101304 List Price: $8.95
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