Showing 1 - 25 of 31 Results
Essence of Decision Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis by Allison, Graham, Zelikow, P... ISBN: 9780321013491 List Price: $26.80
The 9/11 Commission Report: The Attack from Planning to Aftermath (Authorized Text, Shorter ... by National Commission on Terr... ISBN: 9780393340136 List Price: $14.95
Kennedy Tapes Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis by Zelikow, Philip, May, Ernes... ISBN: 9780393322590 List Price: $21.95
Germany Unified and Europe Transformed A Study in Statecraft by Zelikow, Philip D., Rice, C... ISBN: 9780674353251 List Price: $29.50
Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft by Philip D. Zelikow, Condolee... ISBN: 9780674353244 List Price: $35.00
Why People Don't Trust Government by Nye, Joseph S., Jr., Zeliko... ISBN: 9780674940574 List Price: $29.50
Kennedy Tapes Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis by May, Ernest R., Zelikow, Ph... ISBN: 9780674179264 List Price: $35.00
Dealing With Dictators Dilemmas of U.s. Diplomacy And Intelligence Analysis, 19451990 by May, Ernest R., Zelikow, Ph... ISBN: 9780262134590 List Price: $58.00
Kennedy Tapes Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis by May, Ernest R., Zelikow, Ph... ISBN: 9780674179271 List Price: $16.95
Presidential Recordings-John F. Kennedy The Great Crises by Naftali, T., Zelikow, Phili... ISBN: 9780393049541 List Price: $165.00
Suez 1956 : An Interactive Study in Statecraft by Zelikow, Philip, May, Ernes... ISBN: 9780815735724
Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy Volumes IV-VI : The Winds of Change: October 29, 19... by Coleman, David, Naftali, Ti... ISBN: 9780393081244 List Price: $150.00
The New Terrorism: Threat And Response (Foreign Affairs Editors' Chioce Book Seies) by Walter Laqueur, Bernard Lew... ISBN: 9780876092996 List Price: $14.95
America and the East Asian Crisis Memos to a President by Zelikow, Philip, Zoellick, ... ISBN: 9780393975529 List Price: $15.30
America and Russia Memos to a President by Zelikow, Philip, Zoellick, ... ISBN: 9780393975536 List Price: $18.50
Dealing With Dictators Dilemmas of U.s. Diplomacy And Intelligence Analysis, 19451990 by May, Ernest R., Zelikow, Ph... ISBN: 9780262633246 List Price: $28.00
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upo... by National Commission on Terr... ISBN: 9780393106831 List Price: $35.00
American Military Strategy Memos to a President by Zoellick, Robert B., Zeliko... ISBN: 9780393977110 List Price: $15.25
America and the Balkans Memos to a President by Zelikow, Philip ISBN: 9780393976274 List Price: $16.00
America and the Muslim Middle East Memos to a President by Zelikow, Philip D., Zoellic... ISBN: 9780898432398 List Price: $12.95
Sternstunde der Diplomatie. by Philip; Rice, Condoleezza Z... ISBN: 9783549056004
United States, China, and Taiwan : A Strategy to Prevent War by Blackwill, Robert, Zelikow,... ISBN: 9780876092835 List Price: $9.99
United States, China, and Taiwan : A Strategy to Prevent War by Blackwill, Robert, Zelikow,... ISBN: 9781640524002 List Price: $9.99
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