Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Light Dawning Gichtel, Boehme, Ephrata, And the Origin of Rosicrucian Mysticism in the New W... by Yoder, Russell, Yoder, Russ... ISBN: 9781558184688 List Price: $8.95
SELECTED WRITINGS on the ROSICRUCIANS and ROSICRUCIAN PHILOSOPHY and SYMBOL by Yoder, Russell, Biddulph, L... ISBN: 9781558185050 List Price: $26.95
Wonderful Mysteries of Eternity - The Magia of Conrad Beissel by Russell Yoder ISBN: 9781537782867 List Price: $8.95
Heavenly Manna : Azoth and Ignis by Weigel, Valentin, Yoder, Ru... ISBN: 9781601265951 List Price: $9.99
Journeys with Alchemists and Alternative Spiritual Masters by Yoder, Russell, Yoder, Hunter ISBN: 9781729593851 List Price: $20.00
Pietism, Pow-Wow, and the Magical Revival: Institute for Hermetic Studies Monograph Series (... by Stavish, Mark, DeStefano, A... ISBN: 9781985716636 List Price: $8.95