Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Results
Human Error, Safety and Systems Development: 7th IFIP WG 13.5 Working Conference, HESSD 2009... by Palanque, Philippe, Vanderd... ISBN: 9783642117497 List Price: $94.00
Human-Centered Software Engineering : 4th International Conference, HCSE 2012, Toulouse, Fra... by Winckler, Marco, Forbrig, P... ISBN: 9783642343469 List Price: $108.00
Web Engineering : 14th International Conference, ICWE 2014, Toulouse, France, July 1-4, 2014... by Casteleyn, Sven, Rossi, Gus... ISBN: 9783319082448 List Price: $99.00
Web Engineering : 14th International Conference, Icwe 2014, Toulouse, France, July 1-4, 2014... by Casteleyn, Sven, Rossi, Gus... ISBN: 9783319082462 List Price: $24.99
Human Error, Safety and Systems Development by Palanque, Philippe, Vanderd... ISBN: 9783642117510 List Price: $24.99
Human-Computer Interaction and International Public Policymaking: A Framework for Understand... by Lazar, Jonathan, Abascal, J... ISBN: 9781680831108 List Price: $70.00
Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies : Adjunct Proceedings from the INTERACT... by Loizides, Fernando, Winckle... ISBN: 9781911653097 List Price: $18.99
Beyond Interactions : INTERACT 2019 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2-6, 201... by Abdelnour Nocera, Jos�, Par... ISBN: 9783030465391 List Price: $79.00
Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies by Loizides, Fernando, Winckle... ISBN: 9781013295669
Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies by Loizides, Fernando, Winckle... ISBN: 9781013295676
Design for Equality and Justice : INTERACT 2023 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, York, UK, August 28 - ... by Bramwell-Dicks, Anna, Evans... ISBN: 9783031616976 List Price: $74.99
Design for Equality and Justice : INTERACT 2023 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, York, UK, August 28 - ... by Bramwell-Dicks, Anna, Evans... ISBN: 9783031616877 List Price: $79.99