Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Results
Analysis of Generalized Linear Mixed Models in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences by Edward E. Gbur, Walter W. S... ISBN: 9780891181828 List Price: $70.00
Preliminary Summary Of Reconnaissance For Uranium In Alaska, 1951: Geological Survey, Circul... by Joseph R. Houston, Max Greg... ISBN: 9781258562496 List Price: $20.95
Preliminary Summary Of Reconnaissance For Uranium In Alaska, 1951: Geological Survey, Circul... by Joseph R. Houston, Max Greg... ISBN: 9781258558697 List Price: $35.95
Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, the Economy, and Politics (Harvard East Asian ... by James Abegglen, John M. Abo... ISBN: 9780674005198 List Price: $40.00
Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, the Economy, and Politics (Harvard East Asian ... by James Abegglen, John M. Abo... ISBN: 9780674005181 List Price: $70.00
Geology of the Potosi Quadrangle, Grant County, Wisconsin, and Dubuque County, Iowa : Usgs B... by Whitlow, Jesse W., West, Wa... ISBN: 9781289075828 List Price: $15.75
Geology of the Belmont and Calamine Quadrangles, Wisconsin : Usgs Bulletin 1123-G by Klemic, Harry, West, Walter S. ISBN: 9781289100896 List Price: $18.75